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Right wing oblivion


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My new Khajiit, a little thief called Falon, was minding her own business while walking through Cheydinhal when an orc referred to her as a 'fur licker'? Funny comment coming from a green, pig-faced Neanderthal. I took the orc's name down and will have to hunt it down some night and put a blade in it's spine.



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Cassie's disdain for other Imperials doesn't come from any measure of self-loathing or whatnot, but as protest to the imperious attitude of the Cyrodiilics in the absence of genuine honor. In essence, most Imperials aren't all that great— they just think themselves such for no other reason than they happened to kick out of the correct womb.


An Imperial commoner is haughty because he's riding on the coattails of past legends, enjoying the advantages of Imperial life because of someone else's hard work long ago. Imperial nobles are no better off because they inherit the luxuries of their forefathers without having endured any of the work their ancestors did in order to get from there to here.


Cassie (being a 'Cassandra', of course) sees that, even if others do not ascribe to the same perspective. Genuinely honorable Imperials, she has no problem with. Problem is, most Imperials are wholly dishonest with themselves and the outside world, masking their base natures with thin veils of civility and social grace.


A Cynic, in the original sense, is one who sees kind manners and etiquette as effective masks that bury the honest face of a man's nature. There is more honesty in an Orc's smug retort than there is in an Imperial's silken welcome. That's probably why Cassie feels so comfortable among the rougher folk.


Oh, she can "play the part" as any good Imperial can. She knows what fork to use and how to curtsy like a lady in court, but it is the grace of a master deceiver to immediately recognize any deception cast by others.


That's why my Imperial doesn't like other Imperials.

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First Gate is generally antisocial, being a zombie, but she doesn't dislike any one race in particular. She only really loathes daedra associated with Mehrunes Dagon, since they were the ones who originally killed her, and vampires associated with Clavicus Vile, whom she envies and despises. (They drink human blood, which she craves but won't take.)


The only people she could be said to actually like are Namira worshippers of whatever race, who treat her well because she's unattractive, and the occasional companion of a more obscure (meaning modded) race.

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