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SkyProc Help (Wanna Make My Own ReProccer-type Patcher)

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Hi. As the title says, I'm trying to make my own patcher that works a bit like ReProccer. I can't use ReProccer itself because I'm not using SkyRe. I'm actually working on my own perks and combat overhaul mod. I only need some of its basic functions, though, so it should be fairly simple to somebody who already knows what they're doing I think.


The wiki for SkyProc seems highly outdated, as the actual SkyProc thing in NetBeans doesn't even look like what the guide is showing, so it's a bit confusing.


I don't need a step-by-step guide (though I'd appreciate it and wouldn't turn it down!). A point in the right direction would be useful and much appreciated. Also note I already have NetBeans and the latest SkyProc libraries properly set up in it. I just don't know what the command lines/functions are supposed to be because, again, the guide (even the syntax) is quite different from what I'm actually seeing in NetBeans. D:



So here's basically what I want the patcher to do:


- Change attack and defense ratings for equipment, based on keywords (material).

- Assign new attack and defense ratings for equipment that does not have any material keyword listed (such as guard armors).

- Add keywords to items based on their names (e.g., a "Spear" item from a mod might get a WeapTypeSpear keyword, and all "Falmer" armors will get a ArmorTypeFalmer keyword, etc.).

- Hopefully also be able to read from .xml files like ReProccer, in case somebody wants to adjust the settings.


Thanks in advance for any help!

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