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Everything posted by MichikoUnknownFox

  1. Hi. Does anybody know how to change the the movement (walk/run) animations while unarmed? The vanilla movement is super goofy especially while walking or running. Like mimicking a chicken or something. I'm trying to replace it with the regular run animation, but the vanilla files don't seem to have a h2hrunforward or similar animation file to simply replace. I'm figuring this might be a behavior thing that needs to be redefined somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. My googling skills are failing me, as most info on unarmed animations seems to be focused on the attacks/power attacks rather than the movement. Any help or even hints would be appreciated.
  2. In response to post #47594940. #47608545 is also a reply to the same post. That hug mod looks like fun.
  3. Hi. I'm try to make the new meshes for SSE (statics and landscape things) with Blender. Is old tutorials (use Blender 2.49b for export etc.) still correct? Is there new steps to do because of SSE? - edit: Somebody is already teach me. Blender 2.49b not needed now. Latest Blender is ok. :D Also this tutorial useful: http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4583-how-to-make-gndgo-models-for-skyrim-blender-277a-meshes-part-12/
  4. Making a total conversion for Skyrim...
  5. Backed up my Skyrim data folder and reinstalled. Time to work on this mod.
  6. Oh gross. Sounds are baked into the animation files? That's terrible. Maybe it should be possible to like duplicate the skeleton and change the sounds. I dunno what I'm talking about here really as I know nothing about modeling or animation. But I'm very much interested in new monsters.
  7. If I'm not mistaken though, AI isn't really being processed in unloaded cells anyway, so they may never actually enter bleedout. What's likely to happen is they'll be there for however long their package tells them to be there, then leave unscathed. It's the same reason that NPCs are able to travel from town to town (well, not a lot of NPCs have this kind of package anyway) even if the player normally runs into all kinds of dangers those NPCs aren't supposed to survive. They don't actually walk all the way. The game spawns them in the loaded cell if the time is right. If the player goes to the mine while they're still there, that's when the NPCs start processing their AI. So bandits will suddenly start attacking the NPC if they can detect them, etc.
  8. If you can make more animal models as modder's resources that'd be great. IMO Skyrim really lacks in that especially since a lot of modders like to play with adding new areas, quests, or just new enemies for players to fight.
  9. I've been using SkyTest for years and it isn't buggy for me. o_O What kind of bugs are you getting?
  10. Do you want this to work for NPC's too or just the player? If it's just the player, one thing you can do is instead of attaching the script to the equipment, attach it to the player instead, then use an OnObjectEquipped event to check for the items being equipped. If they get equipped, apply the perk, etc. It's a little more complex if you want it to work for NPC's too. You can either attach it directly to the NPC (could cause compatibility issues with other mods that edit the same NPCs) or you can make a cloak effect that adds the perk to NPCs, which would check if those items are equipped, etc.
  11. I'm trying to create an AI package for my NPCs that allow them to look for any nearby non-hostile actor that is in critical health, say within 500 units, then attempt to use a Heal Other spell on them to heal them. I... can't figure out how to do it. I know I need to use Quest Aliases and the UseMagic Procedure, but since I can't seem to find any examples of this even on Google, being a fairly unpopular request as most people only care about them healing the player, which I know how to do, it's really tough. I'm not sure I understand what I'm doing with Quest Aliases. So far I've made an AI package with a new quest with an alias (Find Matching Reference, closest in loaded area) as the Owner quest. UseMagic type procedure, and Heal Other listed as the spell. I put my new alias as the target. I can't seem to attach this new AI package to my test NPC (a copy of a bandit for now). I can attach vanilla packages just fine, just not the new package I made. I assume it's because I did something wrong with the AI package or the quest or whatever. Can anyone help me figure this out? Thanks in advance.
  12. Yeah only if you add new NPCs or mods with spells or perks you may want redistributed. There's technically nothing wrong with not running the patcher after adding a new mod. It's just that the new NPCs won't get perks or spells, and the new perks and spells will be ignored naturally. Generally though if you're using a new perk overhaul you really should be starting a new game anyway. I personally have a habit of rerunning my patchers when I start a new game, especially if I cleaned up or changed my mod list somehow. even if it isn't necessary (like I just added a new house mod or some kind of tweak that has no new NPCs or something).
  13. 1. GMST are game settings. If you aren't sure what they do, don't mess with them. While you're unlikely to break your game it could change things significantly enough that it would be very different. 2. No. Different parts of AI. 3. As far as I can tell ASIS works by adding all valid perks to all NPCs that are not blocked via the INI files. Valid perks meaning if the player can learn them due to having enough skill level and the right prerequisite perks and they aren't special/player-specific perks (perks that slow time down for example), then the NPC can learn them too. That said, it will add valid perks to your followers unless the INI files have them blocked (I don't think they are by default). The level of perks they get are their initial level I think. 4. See above. It's for all NPCs actually. 5. Just like above. Additionally it's based on skill level. So a warrior with only Destruction 15 will not get the high level Destruction perks. 6. It's possible. You probably did something wrong somewhere. Though I dunno much about AFT, whether it has some kind of weird anti-perk code, which it probably doesn't. 7. Some of them yes. A lot of those spells are scripted and only work for the player though, so those don't get distributed. 8. When you run the patcher. It's the main purpose of the patcher in fact.
  14. I think it's possible but likely unreliable in real game conditions. Papyrus is very slow in processing and if you have a lot of other scripts running (even the base game actually has a lot of scripts running) it could freeze up the Virtual Machine. Even worse is that it doesn't crash [in this context] so you don't know that it happened until you notice that none of your scripted effects (for example, trying to equip a hotkeyed equipment set from SkyUI) are working until you restart the game, or sometimes it fixes itself after a while but I've tried waiting like 10 minutes in game and the VM was still frozen with all the buffered script calls it hasn't processed yet. For an example of a "script heavy" (actually the script itself is simple, it just does so much on hit events) mod, look at Locational Damage. It'll be reliable in early game when it's just you fighting 1-2 bandits or draugrs in the beginning. But as more and more happens in combat and more quests start running, you'll notice that sometimes a Locational Damage "critical hit" will take effect a few minutes after combat has ended already, if at all, and everything else might also not work for a while. That's Papyrus script lag. Instead of using a script, you can try using magic effects instead. I'm doing something similar with a fake combo system for my own mod and my initial tests say it works and seems to be reliable even with multiple NPCs doing the same thing. I'll give you a simple step-by-step on what to do. 1. Make a perk for the attacker, in this case the player. 1a. Make a magic effect for when you want the combo to start if needed. You can skip this if you want it to work all the time as long as you're hitting something. 2. Make a magic effect (Fire and Forget casting type and Contact delivery) for every valid combo count. Name each magic effect accordingly, like "Hit 01" or something. This can be tedious if you plan to go anywhere above 10, so I suggest starting off with a low value initially. For this example, let's say 3 hit combo. 3. Make a spell and attach the combo magic effect to it. Give it a short duration, like 2 or 3 seconds. Meaning if nobody applies another combo hit on this same target the whole thing wears off. 4. Attach the spell to the perk under the perk entry point Apply Combat Hit Spell. This means that when the attacker hits the target, it'll apply Hit 01. 5. For each subsequent hit ("Hit 02") make give it a condition that the target has the magic effect "Hit 01" for it to apply. This means that when the attacker hits the target and they have Hit 01 already, it'll give them Hit 02 instead. *. Remember that short duration? Well that means if nobody with this perk attacks the target, the combo will wear out. If they don't have the combo hit effects on them anymore, the next hit they take will be Hit 01 again. 6. Repeat this for each valid combo you want. 7. Either in a new perk or the same one (doesn't matter really but you may want to separate them so it's easier to organize, especially if you have a lot of combo hits planned), make it so that the Perk Entry Point is Calculate Weapon Damage under the condition of the particular hit counter, then increase the damage to whatever you want. For example, if they have Hit 01, meaning you're applying Hit 02, you can increase damage against them by 10%. If they have Hit 02, and you're applying Hit 03, increase damage by 20% and so on. 8. Double check your work and test if it does anything in game. One way to test it is to pause the game via console after you hit somebody, click them to select them then see if they have your magic effect applied (either with console command HasMagicEffect <your effect's formid> or with Mfg Console). It's important to note though that if you plan to give this effect to NPCs (followers for example), everybody can contribute to the combo counter. So if for example both Lydia and I have this effect and we're attacking the same target, when Lydia attacks she might apply Hit 01, and when I attack within the time frame I'll apply Hit 02, and so on. This may or may not be something you want. Just don't give it to NPCs as well if you don't like it, or add special checks for whatever. Good luck!
  15. Oh yeah sorry I totally missed your other questions. In general, it won't actually affect your performance much provided you don't use 4K or higher textures for people (skin, etc.). Your rig should be able to handle 2K textures and below just fine. 4K textures to me are a waste, but hey I won't knock it if other people like it and their machines can actually handle it. Make sure you optimize the textures you get in mods as well. This is probably the most important part. There's a lot of options for it but yeah. A lot of texture modders give you uncompressed or otherwise unoptimized textures, which is bad if you need FPS and stability. Textures being too big for your RAM can cause crashes (often the main cause of crashes in fact) and significant loading lag or stutters if you have a slow HDD. Even if you had an SSD it can still cause loading lag, as the bottleneck will be elsewhere (transferring the data from SSD to RAM). Some people report almost a minute of loading even on an SSD with a lot of ultra HD textures. I don't use a lot of NPC specific mods. I have some for the companions, and I've modded some myself. Basically those are pick whatever one looks best to you. Don't worry about performance too much with that. However, installing a good face + body texture (make sure they match) often makes a big difference already. Same applies to better-looking environments. Pick a retexture you like. You may also want to consider something like Skyrim Flora Overhaul or an alternative. Your rig is pretty good so you might be able to use an ENB without problems. It's a little complicated to set up at first, and most ENBs look different from the screenshots (some are not playable and only used for screenshots in fact). Here's a travel+house mod you may want to consider: Dev Aveza.
  16. Well yeah the point of the ini (even the default but more so the improved inis) is to prevent that sort of thing from happening. The improved inis have already covered most of the major known mods that add NPCs, and pretty much all the NPCs that are designed to use only certain types of spells have already been excluded. And again like I said earlier, all the other NPCs that should receive spells will choose the best spell in their arsenal (taking range and stuff into consideration). It's a bigger pain in the neck to try to make them equip any other spell in fact. Try teaching a bunch of spells to your NPC follower (if you use a mod like EFF for example) and watch them only use 1 or 2 of those spells ever, and it's always the highest level spell they can learn. Whatever they're using, you can trust is the best spell they know. ASIS won't change that. Don't worry about it. It won't water them down. And if it does for whatever reason then figure out the EDID of the NPC that got watered down, and add it to the ini yourself then rebuild the patch. Many many people have been using ASIS for years now and it's evolved a lot especially with the improved INIs.
  17. Yeah it's dependent. It will not add any perks to anything if automatic perks is disabled, and likewise for spells.
  18. Yeah I dunno how to modify an effect that already exists on the character either. I tried doing something similar before and this was the best solution I could come up with without scripting it. The game is actually pretty fast when it comes to perks and magic effect calculations. I made some very complicated spells before and there was no noticeable lag; then again even some complicated per-frame calculations like in my other mods for the older games (FO3 and Oblivion especially) there was no noticeable lag. Papyrus is just weird because it's not actually built into the engine, so the virtual machine, which handles the external scripts, gets some lag when too many things are happening at once. Haha glad you like it. I was actually thinking about making a version 2 of it, with in-game adjustable values. But I'm working on another mod currently and I wanna finish that first before revisiting my other mods.
  19. Current stamina. If you want the max value use GetBaseActorValue. I think those perk entry points only work at the moment the spell is applied, not when it's already on you. The best way to do this is via script, but I take it you don't want to do it via script (and I personally don't recommend any more scripted combat mods due to script lag during combat). As an alternative, a tedious but effective way to do it instead, since it's supposed to always be on the character, is set up multiple effects on the same ability. For example: One for Stamina 10 with the normal condition of IsAttacking == 1. One for Stamina 10 when GetBaseActorValue Stamina >= 120. One for Stamina 10 when GetBaseActorValue Stamina >= 140. And so on. The result will be every attack will always drain 10 Stamina (per second btw; that's how it works. So slower attack speed = more stamina drained). If he has 135 Stamina, he'll 10+10 Stamina damage per second while attacking, because it's >= 120 but not yet at 140. Again it's very tedious to do it this way so probably not ideal, but it works.
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