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Please Help with CK Issue


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I am creating a mod that adds more horses to Skyrim. Part of this is giving all vanilla & new player horses unique names, which has been no problem except for the Whiterun stables purchasable horse. With all other horses I have assigned them to a uniquely named copy of the generic nameless horse of that colour, but for some reason the Whiterun horse simply will not be reassigned in this way - it says that it has been like the other stable horses have, but when you click ok & go to check the user info it is clearly still using the generic model & the new model is not being used by anything. This is a problem because it means that to give this horse a name I have to name the generic model, & then any randomly generated horses using the same model will all have this name.

I have considered naming the original, leaving the new model unnamed & then shifting the other random horses to the new model, but I would like to upload this mod & therefore I want it to be compatible with other mods that add horses - if I do this any horses added by other mods that use the original model will then get the Whiterun horses name.

I know this probably seems ridiculous to some people, but I have been putting a lot of thought, time & effort into learning how to make this mod, planning the concept, testing a multitude of different textures & combinations, & finding suitable old norse names - I will be absolutely gutted if something this stupid & unnecessary prevents my "vision" from being complete :sad: I will be extremely grateful if anyone can give me some insight into what could be going wrong!!!

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In the NPC info window for the whiterun player horse, on the bottom left, there's a section called 'Template Data' and in it a bunch of tickboxes that say "Use ..." Have you tried unchecking 'Use Base Data"? Or just outright making the horse use a different template, or no template at all? (Best I can think of...)


I know other authors have been able to rename that horse (I'm pretty sure Immersive Horses does), so it should be possible, and you might be able to ask one of them for help

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I can't thank you enough! I just quickly tested this out, & although it wasn't the problem it did point me where to look - I'm fairly sure that it was these boxes not being ticked on the horse that had been placed for purchase in the stables that was preventing the model transfer. You have saved me from a major disappointment, thanks a million times over!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out it wasn't the problem after all, Bethesda have placed a generic horse instead of the Whiterun Stables Horse which remains unused in the CK. I am now working on placing the correct horse, giving it the necessary data, removing the data from the generic horse & disabling it. Sheesh ...

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When you are placing these horses, have you figured out how to make them stay where you put them?


I want to do something like you are doing (for my own use, since I am modifying textures and using other resources that I don't have permission to upload anywhere, I can't distribute it) using horse models from Swift Steeds and Slof (turning all textures asymmetrical so I can create a LOT of horses :D). However, I don't want my horses returning to the stables where I bought them. I would like them to stay where I place them and wander around a small area and just do their little animations.


Once I get finished with the textures I have to figure out how exactly to get them all in game...

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Open the Enc horse you want to place in the world, click on the A1 Packages tab, left click in the box & click add, type playerhorse in the filter box that comes up, select PlayerHorseWaitInPaddock. I think this will make your horse stay where you leave it until you mount another (at which point it will return to where you bought it, or your herding spot in Convenient Horse Herding) whereas PlayerHorseStayPut will make the horse stay where you left it even if you mount another horse. I have not tested this second option yet so if you do please let me know :smile:

Edited by ElioraArin
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I will try that, though it will be a while (I am still working on making the textures asymmetrical, then I need to add the asem touches (white feet, paint markings, blazes) to make the textures unique.


Thanks though :), I sort of thought that was how you did it, but wasn't quite sure. I noticed I think Frost had a package with the stayput in it, but he always wandered off on me.


If all else fails, I will just make hostlers who sell the horses at the various houses I would like them to stay at. (I would use convenient horses, but that only allows you to have one herd, I would like multiple herds and have them scattered all over. I know I can't use that many but I like seeing pretty horses and I like occasionally changing my horse for another one as my mood changes :D)

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Ouch. I really wish I could help you, but I have only glanced through Swifts Steeds dialogue to look at the sale of horses (I was trying to determine where to set the horse to player owned so followers could ride the horses like they can the original 5.)


There should be an ID that it is trying to tell it to spawn somewhere, that you need to change to the new one.

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