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Everybody Poops. ( And if they don't they're an android and should be destroyed. )

Astral Nexus

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A mod inspired by Bad Lip Reading's "Everybody Poops."





The concept is simple. How exactly are we to know who is or isn't a synth in our settlements? Well... I propose a simple solution. You pay attention to who uses the bathroom, and who doesn't. Because everybody poops... unless they're an android.


This mod would require scripting for non-synth settlers as well as non synth NPC's to utilize sitting animation on toilets on occasion. The inclusion of outhouses to the settlement crafting menu, as well as toilets in good condition would also be pretty important.


Of course the question is can we enable scripts to make this happen? If so I think this would be a quality immersion mod.


So any ideas, thoughts and criticisms?

Edited by Astral Nexus
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