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The REAL 7000 steps.


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The Throat of The World. Believed to be the tallest mountain in Tamriel. But honestly, despite being the tallest mountain in the game, it's not even that tall. And 7000 steps? Are you kidding? There's only 748 of them. I humbly ask that someone considers a project to add the rest of the 7000 steps to the mountain. I realize geography could prove to be problematic. At the very least the end result may prove to look odd and out of place. But there are huge mods like Falskaar and Wyrmstooth, and even a WIP Skywind. I think it would be possible to find a way to make this work. Imagine how "immersive" it would be if the climb to High Hrothgar took a really long time. Imagine the vanilla climb to High Hrothgar x9.4. Imagine how it would work with mods like Frostfall. There could be many caves where you could rest and maybe make a fire, but there's a risk it may be home to wolves or bears or trolls. Imagine the view at the top! Especially with a mod like DynDOLOD!



Apologies if this is a stupid/ impossible/ already suggested idea.

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