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How do Textures work in Fallout 4?


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So far I deduced that most textures are compromised of up to 6 files:

- Texture_D.DDS - Diffuse Map

- Texture_S.DDS - Specular Map

- Texture_N.DDS - Normal Map

- Texture_G.DDS - Glowing Map/Texture

- Texture_M.DDS - No idea***

- TexturePalette.DDS - Palette


***What are the Texture_M.DDS texture files?


My MAIN question is this: What happens when only D or only N or only S texture file exists for whichever custom texture in Textures folder? The game already contains the D, S, and N files for most textures within its compressed / packaged "Fallout4 - Textures1-9.ba2" files. Let's assume for this example that some Single-Texture mod comes only with a custom Texture_D.DDS file without any Texture_N.DDS or Texture_S.DDS files. Does that means that:

1. The game will use ONLY that one single custom Texture_D.DDS file from Textures folder to renderer / show that texture, NOT adding any other effect from its internal N, and S files that may exist for that Texture_D.DDS file?


2. The game will use that custom Texture_D.DDS file, but also add Vanilla Texture_N.DDS and Texture_S.DDS from its vanilla "Fallout4 - Textures1-9.ba2" file. In this case the texture would be rendered from 3 files: Custom Texture_D.DDS file + Vanilla Texture_N.DDS file + Vanilla Texture_S.DDS file.


Is it 1 or 2?



Mild rant and concern:

All this makes it complicated as you can no longer just mix different mods because some come with D, N, and S files while others can come with either D or S or only S and N or in whichever other combination. This ALSO means Mod Organizer will NOT be able to prevent this mixing like it could in Skyrim, where AFAIK you had a single texture file that got the job done. Mod Organizer would simply use selected textures based on priority and then use the rest of the other ones from another mod if mods had different textures. Now it would have to come with special coding to make sure S, N, D files from one mod won't get mixed with any S. N, D files from another mod.




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Uuuh I'll take my shot tho I'm a bit rusty


'Texture_M.DDS - No idea***'

'm' usually means material in the 3D world, I can't say I'v seen those in F4 regarding texture files. They do seem to have their own folder tho.


'What happens when only D or only N or only S texture file exists for whichever custom texture in Textures folder? '

The game gives any file in your present DATA folder priority over the BSA files its reading.


Answer 2. Basically if I made the Scribe outfit a lovely bright green, I'd only need to change the Diffuse and plop it in the appropriate folder. The game will take my re textured green scribeoutfit diffuse, and continue using the vanilla Normal (and specular and other maps if available)




Mild rant and concern:

All this makes it complicated as you can no longer just mix different mods because some come with D, N, and S files while others can come with either D or S or only S and N or in whichever other combination. This ALSO means Mod Organizer will NOT be able to prevent this mixing like it could in Skyrim, where AFAIK you had a single texture file that got the job done. Mod Organizer would simply use selected textures based on priority and then use the rest of the other ones from another mod if mods had different textures. Now it would have to come with special coding to make sure S, N, D files from one mod won't get mixed with any S. N, D files from another mod.







I'm not sure what you mean, its like you're trying to make something simple into something too complex for no reason. 'another mod' well this is why you need to name your stuff properly, that's always been a thing. NMM is a base folder manager, it can't be arsed with this stuff unless you fail to make your files have unique names witch in the first and foremost thing, will lead to angry users raging on your profile page, lol.


If you havent already I'd suggest starting out in the CK and make a new armor, not a mesh mind you, just take something, change the texture and make it exist next to its original. You'll quickly see how these things work.

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