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Found a fix for movement stutter, now for an alternative?


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So I was doing some browsing and I came across an unlikely solution to my problem..I am running a GTX 970 @ 110hz and I get this weird 'jitter' during movement, but my FPS remains fine.

Now the solution (which worked for me, don't ask me why) was to shift + tab to open the steam overlay, go to settings, go to the in-game tab, enable FPS counter, tick 'high contrast color'. It worked. This isn't placebo at all, after trying dozens of potential fixes, this is THE one that worked. I cannot believe that something as random as enabling steam's FPS counter fixed the issue.

Now down to my request. Since you guys know your stuff It would be greatly appreciated if somebody more knowledgeable could look into this and possibly provide an alternative patch / fix to this so we don't have to run the steam counter while playing the game.

Thanks :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

What the hell is up with this game?! I don't think you're crazy. It seems to at least help. I'm running a FX 8350, with a GTX 660. I generally run the game on medium where I get 50-60 fps, but with a slight micro stutter the entire time. I lowered the settings to low, and didn't really change much except the game was ugly. I boosted the graphics to Ultra.....40-60fps. What the hell is that?! So, I get micro stutter without loosing frame rate, but at the same time I can run the game on ultra with no real drawback.

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So I was doing some browsing and I came across an unlikely solution to my problem..I am running a GTX 970 @ 110hz and I get this weird 'jitter' during movement, but my FPS remains fine.


Do you get the jitter all of the time or does it just start randomly during the game? I get it randomly. Game will be running smooth and then it'll start to be jittery. Only way I can get it to stop is to save the game, quit and restart the saved game.

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