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Wear BOS Hood and Combat Armor helmet Togather.


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When the combat armor is showed in the loading screen, it shows the character wearing the BOS hood and the Combat Armor Helmet together.


Here is a picture of the combat armor shown on the load screen - http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/4e/Combat_Armor_Loading_Screen.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151114232014


But once ingame, the game doesn't allow the player to wear them both at the same time. So my question is, Is it possible to make a mod which allows the player to wear the BOS hood and the Combat armor helmet togather? It would be even more awesome if the player could wear the BOS hood with other headgear as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Doesn't the Vanilla game give you a hood with the actual BOS armor? Or maybe it was a mod I tested out a while back? Hm. The mod was called: Armorsmith Extended. It's not the separate hood, because that is a separate headpiece, but I think it adds a hood to the main outfit. I really hated that so I removed the mod as soon as I started it.


Oh god, necro.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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  • 1 year later...

The hood is an extra 'lining' model that can be added to various helmets. If you remember a while back when a Bethesda patch broke the diamond city guard helmets for a while and they were just wearing a thin leather cap, that's the lining that can be seen on some helmets int eh loading screen. It's not actually the same model as the BOS hood. Junkmaster from bethesda.net adds it to the combat helmet and several others.

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