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Is the Gunners' leveled list broken?


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I noticed last night that high level gunners NEVER wear ANY headgear. Low leveled gunners can wear Dirty Army Helmets, Military Caps and various sunglasses. I looked at their leveled lists in FO4MOD last night and it looks like at higher levels they're supposed to spawn with Combat Armor Helmets too, but they NEVER do. The loading screens talking about the Gunners always show them in full Combat Armor with helmet and sunglasses, but I don't think I've ever seen them like that.


The Gunner's Bandanna is also an item in game that I don't think I've seen spawn on any Gunners. I've seen it spawn on Raider Dogs a couple of times. Is is just for dogs? Do the Gunners even use dogs? Some other humans occasionally spawn with bandannas so I figured they would too.


I just barely kind of know how to use FO4MOD so maybe I'm looking at the wrong things. Would really like to hear some input from someone that knows more about this stuff.

Edited by Atten
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I think it's an incredibly rare occurrence, where I've found countless sets of Combat Armor/Legs/Arms I've only found 2 helmets. Even in some of the Gunners more heavily populated 'bases'.


I'm not even sure I found them on a Gunner, one I found laying around on top of a crate. I fairly certain I did find *one* on a named Gunner at some scrap yard with a big crane bridge but I could be wrong...the third I crafted with Armorsmith Extended, lol.


I tried adding an Army Medic Helmet to the leveled list a while back but I couldn't figure out if it was working or not because I couldn't even get one to spawn with a helmet of any kind period. :confused:

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