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My Skyrim download center hasn't registered a new download in weeks.


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I've downloaded dozens of Skyrim mods over the past few weeks, but none of them are showing in my download history, and when I try to endorse any of them, I get a pop-up saying that I cannot endorse because I haven't downloaded the mod (yet in reality, I have).


Since this doesn't seem to be a site-wide issue, I'm wondering if anyone has ideas that could help me? It seems that my Fallout 4 downloads continued to register well after my Skyrim ones -- in fact, it seems like it was about the time I installed Fallout 4 that my Skyrim downloads stopped registering.


Could this be a conflict/bug with Mod Organizer? I've been using it for both Skyrim and Fallout 4, and associating .nxm files with MO. I have two separate installations for MO. If MO is the issue, can I troubleshoot it at all without having to uninstall either instance?


Thanks for any help. Also, apologies if this isn't the right board for this question. Seemed like the best option.

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Thanks, Dark.


It was an issue with MO -- not a bug, but user error. MO did not have me registered as being logged into the Nexus. I updated MO, updated the NMM sim setting, and ran "Check all for updates" which did kick the client into "logging me in" so-to-speak. Just ran a test download with Superior Silverware and it worked!


I don't suppose there's any way to retroactively make my downloads from the past couple months register, so I can endorse them? Am I just gonna have to re-download them?

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Hmmm, are you able to download mods larger than 2MB without being logged in to the Nexus with MO?


RE: the retrospective download history. Unfortunately that isn't properly.

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Well, what I've generally done is to just click the "Download with Manager" button from the Nexus (while logged into the Nexus). I have MO set to handle .nxm files by default, so I guess at some point between me clicking "download" from the web browser (while logged in) and the download triggering in MO (where I hadn't been logged in, despite having my Nexus credentials in my settings) something broke. The downloads have been working just fine, other than not showing up in my Nexus download history.

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