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Vault Girl Mod Development Thread


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One other thing. Does vault girl give the thumbs up when you boot up the pip boy or is it still vault boy?


Also a shout out to Lazyradly because they've been leading the way with custom UI animations which will really help me with my mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/3319991/?


They're making a MLP UI replacer. Also they animated the heads in the stats screen.

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Thanks for uploading the alpha, and for all your work on the mod. I've really been looking forward to this one so it's great to give it a whirl.


I just ran it through the opening sequence to check and I got vault boy giving the thumbs up when first booting the pip boy. Everything else looks great so far, though. I'm going to load up my higher-level character now and play with it for a while.

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Yep. I can confirm Vault-Boy when you boot-up the Pip-Boy.


Also impressive to write so much text in a forum via mobilphone. :D I would've given up after the first 2 sentences.

Thanks for the List.

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Seemed to work OK, though I only had a few minutes to test. I couldn't install one of the files because it conflicted with Key nuker, the pipboy menu I think, but otherwise, it worked OK. The only thing I noticed right off was a weird shadowing behind the moving arms in the astounding tales perk animation. Didn't have a chance to look around to see how the posters and things have changed. Might have more time tonight.

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when I installed the mod it tried to overwrite a few files from my other interface mods:

pipboy_invpage.swf from DEF_INV

hudmenu.swf from DEF_HUD

dialoguemenu.swf from New Dialog


I would love to use this with these mods, but i highly doubt anyone has made a compatibility patch for these yet. And if no one is planing to do so, I'd be willing to give it a shot. I'd just need to find a swf editor and a good tutorial.


other wise, I love it so far and cant wait to see the rest of what is planed.

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Had something funny happening to me. Not that relevant but i thought i might just tell the story anyway.


As i already mentioned im using the Alpha 4 of Mod Organizer 2. Bodyslide and Mod Organizer 2 still don't really like each other much..

So there are 2 ways for a work-around.. one includes creating an empty meshes folder in the Data folder of your FO4 installation.

Funny me thought.. hey im just gonna create an empty texture folder too... why ever i did that.


Thing is.. it kinda broke your mod. Textures didn't load anymore.. (Vault-Tec Van and Billboard had default textures).

So there was me.. totally clueless why those textures didn't work anymore. I totally forgot about that empty folder i created.


This is probably a MO issue.. nothing to do with your mod. Although all my other texture mods still seemed to work... at least the Body texture.

Aaaaanyway.. i found myself facepalm hard to myself as i found out a freaking empty folder is the cause of this.

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