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Vault Girl Mod Development Thread


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Thank you for making this mod If you not making the mod with this Vault girl anymore, can you just make a incomplete pack and put everything had been done since the last version till this date ? before move on to remake everything from begining

Edited by honglong17
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Please don't use default, I mean anything but. Default is a skinny ass twig that looks anorexic and a bit gross.

I love the aesthetic of the bobble girl with the dark hair, I also think changing the hair and face slightly would be a good solution. Though I totally understand why you want to distance yourself from the content this version was derived from.

Every game has to depict women as unhealthy malnourished waifs and we are supposed to like this?

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If you really has to abandon the current design, I think the Bobble Girl would be great alternative. I hope there will at least be "Vault Meat" vault girl as an optional file. It is great character design, not necessarily needed to be connected with h stuff Shad does.

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Hey guys don't panic I hear you. I've decided to go with a new custom face/hair for Vault Girl inspired by the Bobble Girl bobbleheads mod. I plan to just keep the body the same as it has been in my mod. Honestly she doesn't look too different, but different enough for me.


Here are some pics.



Outfit is a new option for stats menu. Inspired by Lara Croft.


Good night guys. Glad you are passionate about the mod.:)



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I really love this mod its great! I hope it keeps expanding. I like shadman's vault girl style more than the new one that is going to be implemented though. The new style is alright. Thats just my opinion. I'd like there to be an option for shadman's style as well instead of removing it completely.
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First, BigCMan, thank you for your ongoing efforts--I'm sorry to hear that you're not continuing with your default Vault Girl (with the bob hair), as that was my preferred one, but it sounds like you have good reasons and I'm grateful for the work you've put in.


Second, has anyone encountered issue where installing the mod seems to have a lot of gaps/missing things? Not just unfinished stuff, like some of the Pip-boy status screen having the modified head but the default body (quite amusing looking). No idea what could be causing this, I installed it via M.O. (I don't use NMM for FO4 due to the profile issue)--I enable the patches for DEF_UI which keeps from crashing, but a lot of the elements seem missing. By contrast, Vault Girl STATS works--granted this mod is in Alpha, but it does seem like the basic stat screen should be working (since you can chose different bodies, you can see how it's suppose to look in the image gallery, etc.). Are there specific mods that will overwrite the modifications?


EDIT: To do some tests, I created a new character with no mods aside from this one--and the same issues appeared. Which is somewhat good as it suggests its not a mod conflict! On the other hand, I'm completely stumped as to what could be causing the issue. I know the animation mods are flash files, maybe I've overzealously removed something needed from that?


The mod has installed using NMM without a hitch for me and others. This is probably an issue with your mod installer. If you don't want to use NMM I recommend a manual install.




I'm not a 3d modeler so I won't be doing it (but I provided a link to a good alternative). Also I'm changing my mod to be the Vanilla vault girl in the future. So that will no longer be necessary.


I know people will be bummed that I'm going to make this change, but this is my decision and honestly it's either this or I'm not working on the mod anymore. I no longer want to work on a mod associated with Shadman.




This is disappointing news for me. I have been avidly following the progress on this mod for some time now. I really loved the look of the vault girl mod for FO3 and FONV. And to be honest, with a mod like this it is ALL about appearance. I completely respect your decision and genuinely thank you for your past mods and the tremendous about of effort you had to put into this one , I however do not care for the look of the vanilla Vault Girl and for that reason have not downloaded any of the current "Vault Girl" mods. Was really looking forward to this one



Last time I checked there was only one vanilla vault girl UI mod for Fallout 4 and it only edits the status screen. There are many Vault Meat mods (though MXR's never actually released). Regardless. That said I've decided to go with a look inspired by the Bobble Girl bobblehead mod.


Thank you for making this mod If you not making the mod with this Vault girl anymore, can you just make a incomplete pack and put everything had been done since the last version till this date ? before move on to remake everything from begining


I may do that. Just a few perks (that aren't very unique) a new status screen outfit, a status screen head option that has a ponytail, and a patch for the HUDmenu mod.


I like the smile of "shadman's" vault girl the most. I personally really do not associate that style with shadman's art, but with this mod. Shadman's art leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion.


I'll look into making the smile a bit more like the other one.





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