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Faster terminals


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There is a mod that does exactly this, with the option for 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 20x or 100x faster. I use the 5x faster option, as a good compromise without breaking immersion. There's still that annoying delay waiting to "access maglocks" before you can tab out, but it does make the text display more quickly. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/937/?

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  • 1 year later...

Is there any mod that does the same thing with doors? I mean that the door animation would become more quick.

first go here -> C:\Users\Your Computer Name\Documents\My Games\Fallout4


Open Fallout4.ini - Add This Under [interface] - fUnlockDoorDelay=0.5000 (Change 0.5000 to your desired speed, less = quicker animation, warning do not set all to 0 as this will disable the animation and likewise the door will never open)





the value i posted above is much quicker animation. a mod is not necessary for this


Note: the above affects doors that you unlock, it does not affect vault doors, as far as i am aware (or at least i have never noticed it effect vault doors)


Note: Default Value = 1.5000 (= 1.5 seconds)


Note: 0.0000 = Disables animation, door will never open (i am assuming this, i have never tried this value, but i have on other things and it just disables them)


Note: 0.0001 = quickest possible animation, this would mean 1 nano second, which is basically instant

Edited by Guest
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