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[WIP] Bionic Eyes Functionalities


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Heya folks,

I've been working on my Bionic Eyes mod to add some enhancing functionalities to them, i.e. perception bonus, IFF, togglable night-/reconvision, fallen target tracking (like highlighted search-marked junk). But since I'm a mere novice I have some questions I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with.


  • Is it possible to add new key bindings? (For the togglable effects)
  • Is it possible to add a Has[HeadPart] conditional function? (To check if the PC actually has Bionic Eyes)


I'm confident I should be able to figure out the rest from there, but I really don't have any experience with scripting or the aforementioned functionalities.


Any help would be greatly appreciated ^^

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Only one thing as a gemmologist: Swap "amber" for "citrine"? Other than that, I have nothing functional to add. Just sperglord gemstone rambling.

All your other material choices are crystalline, apart from amber, which is ancient tree resin. It's a gem material, but not a gemstone. Technically an organic gem material, but that's not the point.

Citrine is just the yellow/orange quartz. Also, "Ametrine" is a thing - part amethyst, part citrine. So orange/yellow and purple.
Blue topaz for some lighter blue eyes?
Obsidian for pure black. Or Schorl, but that's just black tourmaline.
Peridot, ligher / neon green.


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Thanks for your input =] I have actually considered using citrine instead of amber, but I thought the eye color wasn't quite citrine

material. I somehow always vision a more yellowy color when thinking of citrine and a more orangy color for amber, even if their

base coloration doesn't really differ all that much.


Edit: And yes, I'm aware that amber isn't technically a crystalline gemstone like the others are ;]

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Depends on the origin of citrine. Some of the heat treated stuff (read: heated amethyst) from Brazil is VERY orange. Hang on, lemme dig up one of my images...


There we go.


The more yellow stuff now has the trade name "Lemon Quartz" in places to differentiate it from the Orange Citrine. Most of the time, if you see stuff as orange as what I linked, it's not naturally citrine colour.

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*Reading up on heated amethyst* Interesting, didn't know simply heat treating certain gems had such an effect.

Always thought that the coloration of gems was mostly determined by the types of minerals they contain.


Anyway, you've convinced me, I'll rename the eyes to citrine =]



Edit: Alrighty, v1.01 has citrine eyes instead of amber =]

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*Reading up on heated amethyst* Interesting, didn't know simply heat treating certain gems had such an effect.

Always thought that the coloration of gems was mostly determined by the types of minerals they contain.


It is, mostly. To do with trace elements in an otherwise 'pure' material. Most natural stuff isn't "pure" - it'll have bits and bobs of other elements in there, chillin'. Anyway, a LACK of atoms where there should be atoms behaves similarly too (usually caused by irradiation - the only thing with enough energy to smack atoms out of place). Citrine is orange from trace iron content.


If you heat amethyst, you get citrine. If you irradiate citrine, you get amethyst. You can keep going around and around and around. Heating allows atoms knocked out of allignment to 'snap back' to where they should be, making it orange. Irradiating it smacks the atoms out of alignment again, so it goes purple. Also more complexity than that, but that's the basic summary. The stone itself doesn't become radioactive - it's just 'damaged' by it.


Mostly, it means that if you're resizing someone's amethyst ring, you take the stone out first. Otherwise it's not amethyst when they get it back.


... I wonder, does that mean most of the citrine in the Commonwealth is now amethyst?




Also. Workaround for your issue - a hidden equipment slot? In the Apparel area. Have it as "[Whatever] On" and "Eyes Off". For a "hack-job" now, you could maybe use the ring slot? Although I think there are other mods doing workarounds with that slot too.


Eyes Off = It equips something in the slot with no effect

Whatever On = It equips an item that gives you the desired effect


While that WOULD technically mean you're using equipment slots, I doubt many people have enough weapons they use regularly to reach the - = end of the slots.

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Thanks, I guess making them use an equipment slot would be a good place to start for now, maybe the baby carrying or behemoth shield slot would do better? No idea which most mods use, but I'd like to evade those slots. The togglable effect and evading the use of slots altogether might have to wait for the CK.


All the citrine on the surface (or atleast those that have been in range of any radioactivity) might have been changed. Don't think the same can be said of raw, unmined stuff that's still at depths beyond the reach of the fallout.

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