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Game removes things that kill me when it auto-loads after a death.


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I'm not sure whether this was a purposeful design decision to make the game easier, or some sort of oversight, but i've noticed that when I let the game auto-load after dying to, say, an unobserved mine, said mine will now be missing from the world. I've now just had the experience of discovering Hester's robotics and encountering a deathclaw fighting one of the resident protectron guards. the deathclaw casually swatted me away, and the game reloaded to the point 2 minutes prior when i had yet to discover Hester's Consumer Robotics. upon loading, I got the experience and popup text for discovering Hester's, still a healthy 60 seconds' run away, and when I walked there I saw both the random encounter Deathclaw and the normally present Protectron guard were missing.

The question of the random encounter is one thing, but the game removing the objects that would otherwise be there (the mine, the protectron) from an earlier point in the game is invasive and weird. And getting the experience from discovering a location, and ability to fast travel to a point I haven't actually visited in that save is just bad game design. Good luck naming a mod dealing with this, because I have no idea how to refer to this 'mechanic', if it is that.

But that is my request, a mod to stop the game from changing the save game it loads on death. I assume the problem can be gotten around by loading the same save point from the load menu rather than letting the game load it, but I'm not sure that's the case, and if it is it'd still be nice to have the autoload feature. I'm also terrified that everyone will insist this is something that doesn't actually happen in the game and I'm just hallucinating, because I've had no joy trying to search for this on the forum. Not that I have any clue how to term such a search.

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one having this happen.

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It definitely happens with mines. It's hard to say if it's a bug or a feature..this is Bethesda after all.

The mine thing seems to happen even if you exit an area or cell, and then reenter, but rather with them spawning, not despawning...Surprise!

Edited by trold
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the logic is, if you die to a mine you don't get the xp from disarming it, which seems perfectly fair.

I mean, if they want to curb XP abuse or whatever they should deal with crafting and building giving you so damn much. Though I can see the logic behind balancing the xp for defusing, that kind of logic belongs in a multiplayer experience, not a single-player rpg. There's no need to introduce time paradoxes just to punish the player for exploding. It's like removing enemies every time the player dies or something, why would you make it less exciting each time? I want to beat the exact odds laid out in front of me, not have each obstacle removed from play as I fail.


But more importantly, I suspect that this recursive mechanic is the same thing that's causing bugs like quests to retain an advanced stage after loading an earlier save, or getting experience from discovering and being able to fast travel to things you haven't seen in that save.

Edited by Whybother123
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