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Win XP - help please


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The topic description says it all.... of all the infuriating features, those with 'auto' must definitely top the list.

Auto-format has had me bashing my head against the monitor many times, but I digress.


How do you turn the annoying, infuriating, completely unnecessary autorun function off in XP? I have searched the helpfiles (helpful as usual they were too <_< ), but to no avail. I think I read somewhere a long time ago that you have to edit the registry to get rid of autorun in XP - does anyone have any more information on that?


I don't want my lovely new computer to have an unfortunate accident...but it will happen if I don't get rid of the autorun feature soon.... When I put a music cd into the drive, I don't necessarily want the enhanced content to start up and connect to the band's website. When I put the Morrowind cd in I don't necessarily want to play Morrowind NOW.... I am quite capable of starting a program as and when it is required. :veryangry: :veryangry:


And I can't stand being told what to do by my computer :angry2:


So somebody, please - HELP! :help:

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Thank you for the link, Marxist - for some reason none of my searches would bring up that site ....and I did try search queries ranging from 'disable autorun' to 'please, Mr Gates, how do I stop CDs playing after I put them in the drive?'.


I guess when XP help claims to search the knowledge base, 'search' and 'knowledge base' might have slightly different meanings applied to them.


Well, edited the registry...will see how it goes (I shall obviously have to sue you if anything goes wrong! :lol:)



AdamNeko - I tried disabling everything I could in the properties, but some programs were still starting up.... <_<



Thanks everyone.... this will do much to keep the relationship between me and Slinky cordial. :lol:

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