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Filesize 0 bytes - damaged archive


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Today I've tried uploading a new version of my mod. It seems that it can't be downloaded properly since every attempt just delivers an archive of 0 bytes filesize. Did I miss something? It's kind of frustrating ;(

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File downloads just fine for me. You do realize immediately after upload the file takes some times to be aggregated across the servers? If you download it immediately after uploading it will return a 0kb empty file because it's not actually ready for downloading yet.

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There is some sort of server issue going on. My file is still broken since uploading it an hour ago. Checking on other recent files will have this same problem.


EDIT: As soon as I posted the file fixed itself. The servers might just be very slow today. The test file I've uploaded along side the main file still isn't up.

Edited by dDefinder1
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Mine is fixed now. Took about an hour. Not sure if posting on this thread brought attention to an admin or if the server was just backed up.




Having similar issues with the latest version of my mod. Tried reuploading the same file and still having problems.


Here are the file links for the (identical) files that I uploaded




Please help. Really like to get this version out to my users, thanks.

Edited by noidkid
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Mine is fixed now. Took about an hour. Not sure if posting on this thread brought attention to an admin or if the server was just backed up.




Just wanted to report that some of my users are still having this problem even though I can download my file fine as well as most other users.


On a side note, is it against TOS to temporarily upload my mod onto a site like mediafire and link it through a post on my mod page? This would be just until this issue is fixed.

Edited by noidkid
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