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When I edit the ini files, the game crashes at launch


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Hello there. So, I uninstalled and deleted EVERYTHING. Totally wiped the existence of Fallout 4 from my computer. With an entirely vanilla game, no CTD. If I have the Fallout4Custom.ini with the instructed mod enabling lines on the Nexus page - http://wiki.tesnexus...od_Installation - with NOT EVEN ANY MODS INSTALLED - I get CTD on pod exit in the Vault. I get CTD here there and everywhere. This is not good. So I either play with no mods, or I can't play at all. Anyone that figures out how to fix this, please PM ME! I am a mod author and cannot even work on my own mod. I have also made the Fallout4Custom.ini read only, but that did not help at all.

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Mind uploading your ini files to let us take a look?


They are absolutely vanilla .ini files except for the mod enabling edits specified here - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation - and I have checked them about a hundred times and redone them to make sure they are perfect. Copy/pasted, typed by hand, used downloadable versions of the edits. Same result every time. On a Vanilla game, installed from scratch, on a wiped hard drive. No mod enabling edits, perfect play. Enable the edits, and random CTDs here there and everywhere.

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Doesn't make any sense, since these settings themselves don't actually change anything in the game. They just allow custom files to override vanilla files, which only happens when there ARE custom files, which you negated.


You might want to double-check anyways, your \Fallout 4\data folder should look like this:






Fallout4 - Animations.ba2

Fallout4 - Geometry.csg

Fallout4 - Interface.ba2

Fallout4 - Materials.ba2

Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2

Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2

Fallout4 - Misc.ba2

Fallout4 - Nvflex.ba2

Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2

Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2

Fallout4 - Startup.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2

Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2

Fallout4 - Voices.ba2





Nothing more, nothing less. And even though you might fear your thoroughness being questioned, I still think, it'd be a good idea to show us your ini files. 4 or more eyes see more than 2.


And I assume you started a new game and didn't load a savegame from before the wipe. right?


Apart from that: how long have you tried playing before adding the ini settings? Since it might also be, that you have general issus with the game even in vanilla and might not have noticed that due do not testing it long enough. Could be driver issues, hardware issues or whatever.

Edited by wax2k
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