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Feedback required: File ratings


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Perhaps there could be a database where any votes of 1-3 are automatically registered. (1 being the most obvious reflex vote but with a margin of two for those who try to sidestep this trap). A record or league table could then simply be referred to periodically to see who if anyone is consistently down-rating and even if its a vendetta against an individual. Dark0ne could then take whatever action he felt appropriate and the process of rating for the 'good guys' would suffer no disruption. Its a bit 'big brother' and i'm not totally happy about that but bogus voting has to be tackled and i'm for anything that does that. We need to trust the file ratings.
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  • 2 weeks later...



I would like to contribute to this topic. I just had uploaded a file last night, it received 3 "10"s, a "7", and a "3" from people who hadn't even tried to play it yet.




I wanted sincere feedback. I do not believe they were sincere, because I had to update the .bsa file once it was discovered by an "honest player" that it didn't work yet, someone who actually played it.


What can be done?




June 25, 2007.

PS: Can you add the ability to delete individual files on the menu screen, rather than the whole file?

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I just want to point something out. I've seen lots of ratings that have this form (more or less):


File rating

I have given this file a rating of 1



This mod is awsome! I love it!


The problem is that users don't change the default rating of 1 and unintentionally rate the files with a 1. Maybe you can change the default rating with a "--" and when the user hits the Rate button the rate page would refresh telling him to choose a number from the drop-down list.

Another thing is changing the rating you gave a file. If you accidentally give the file a bad rating and then re-rate it you double-post. A "Delete post" botton would solve this by giving users the ability to delete their own posts. Or you could ask a moderator/admin to delete your bad post (like I did ;)).




You solved it! Great job!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

TLDR haha joke but I didnt read all the suggestion posts so far so if I missed this one I really do apologize.


My idea would be to not let anyone post below a 5 who doesnt already have 5 posts above a certain threshold (say four maybe) the reasoning behind this is such


If somone does not have at least 5 at that level then they most likely fall into one of two categories

either they are a newer user who has yet to really find the mods they like and if thats true how can a 1 be valid if they havent experianced a few 5's or 6's yet


the other side of this is of course what we are trying to accomplish which is stopping malicious and unfair ratings.


having to wait until we have found 5 good mods before we can say one is extremely bad is a small price to pay to keep the spammers away, perhaps in addition it could be settup so each person can only rate 5 mods per day (after the ratings have been up for a while) so it would take a least 2 days to malicious rate a mod from scratch.

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In statistics, it's common to leave out the "outliers" when computing averages. The precise way... compute the standard deviation of the scores and drop anything more than 3 standard deviations from the mean. The easy way - drop the top and bottom 5 percent of the scores, and average the remainder.


Another option is to give higher weight to those who have posted their own mods.

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Ratings in my opinion should be made check box style. Comments / reasons / suggestions should be made optional and thus only for those who really want and care to make them. Tracking of this checked/unchecked by administrator prescribed queries consisting of questions like why some rating or have you actually played and used downloaded mod etc. should be relatively easy. Ratings list based on actual use would probably give the best and the most truthful feedback to moders but it would probably mean millions of long lists which would burden servers further. As it is it seems to me that loads of ratings especially nasty and bad ones are based only on how pretty or not posted pictures are.
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