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[WIP] Vulgar Language


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Cussing a lot doesn't make the game feel more adult. It would just remind me of a bunch of middle school children sitting around throwing around f bombs and other words because they think it makes them cool.


I'm all for a more adult game, but this is not the way to do it...


If you still get shock value from someone using the f bomb, then you aren't really ready for an adult game.

The idea is...raiders are basically a bunch of selfish middle school children who just take what they want... They are generally speaking from emotion...they are raw emotion of need, greed, and survival.


Cursing doesn't make you look cool nor does the idea that it should. There has been plenty of studies on the use of curse words and most of them have been of a positive nature. People who use curse words more often tend to be more honest, it's also been shown to release stress. Personally I think the idea a word is bad simply because someone decided it was. Poo Poop and s#*! are three words for the same thing...the meaning is the same...but one of them is a bad word. Why? Because some high class guy in a fancy suit decided the third one was too...low brow...for them to use? Sounds more like elitism than anything logical.



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Seriously, use Bulletstorm for your 'language research.'

Bulletstorm Shaft Montage

I get what your saying, but all im doing it is remixing the original raider voice curse words. If the tone doesn't match up its not going to happen. I've played about with the pitch of the voice a little bit, but its just not right. As an example, im having a hard time trying to find a "f_uck" and "you" that matches in tone. It'd be great to re-record all the lines in the game to suit fit, but i don't have the gruff enough voice/ the high quality mic/ nor the time to overwrite the 1200 lines.

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Cussing a lot doesn't make the game feel more adult. It would just remind me of a bunch of middle school children sitting around throwing around f bombs and other words because they think it makes them cool.


I'm all for a more adult game, but this is not the way to do it...


If you still get shock value from someone using the f bomb, then you aren't really ready for an adult game.

I'm 29 years old and by no means a middle school child. But if I was stuck in a nuclear wasteland, I'd probably swear a lot too =]


As for the shock value, for me, there is none. But I do think the Commonwealth could use a more rapey/pillagey/plundery vibe, this includes some foul language where you'd expect it.

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where not allow to swear on this site?

Ofcourse not, since people are allowed on this site from age 13 they have to keep it PG-13. While they'll only allow you to see more adult mods starting from age 18, it'd be a crapload of work to moderate every topic/post for vulgar language. So like most sites, they have a language filter =]

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I want raiders who are drunk and stagger around, raiders took to much chems and lay on the floor having the trip of their life and yes also humans who lose limbs and crawl over the floor screaming.

I dont want to say i realy "need" all this. But this would give the game a much deeper atmosphere and more the feeling like "the commonwealth is realy a fuc*ked up place"

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I want raiders who are drunk and stagger around, raiders took to much chems and lay on the floor having the trip of their life and yes also humans who lose limbs and crawl over the floor screaming.

I dont want to say i realy "need" all this. But this would give the game a much deeper atmosphere and more the feeling like "the commonwealth is realy a fuc*ked up place"

Completely agree, this is (part of) what I meant by a more rapey/pillagey/plundery vibe =]

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