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How do I make elves NOT look butt-ugly?


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Yeah, but my problem is, I don't really CARE what the FEMALES look like. I am usually too busy staring at the males (or would be if there were any eye candy there...). I usually play a male in game as well, so to me, having the men look good is more important than the females (as I rarely notice them more than 'Oh look, a woman is talking to me')

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I will have to check that one out. I downloaded the Younger Faces with Geonex as well as the underwear version of the body mod recommended, but I didn't truly see much of a difference. Or was Males of Skyrim the one I looked at and they made visible beards on some of the characters? I don't like facial hair :( and they made the 'five o'clock' shadow on Vilkas and Farkas into actual beards.

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Thanks! I checked out Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul. With STEP, I can only run male *or* female (better male bodies and vanilla female body; the WSCO works on both vanilla or both modded), but I only make one character at a time anyway so that works for me ;) It gets rid of the bits that I do not like about the vanilla elves, so it is definitely a win for me.

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