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New Modder needs help...


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I'm in need of help...


I've spent time searching the forums and googling and watching youtube videos in the hopes that I could figure out the solution to this issue, and for the life of me I can't find anything. I don't know if I've found a new issue, or if I'm just doing something incorrectly.

I'm in the process of adding the exterior of a player house to one of the wilderness areas. I've finished the basic groundwork, and tested it to make sure that the player can walk up the stairs (which they can). I've navmeshed almost all of it. However, for some reason I cannot for the life of me get the last inch or so of the stairs to mesh. I've tried just dragging the mesh, or continuing to create triangles, and neither works. There's a section of the right hand bottom side of the stairs that just won't mesh. I don't know if it's the landscape. I've tried moving the rock/cliff statics and that doesn't seem to help. Is there anyone who has run across this issue that could advise me? Or am I going to have to try and figure out another way to get to the house?

Below is a screenshot of about how far the navmesh will go.



Edited by Ellemeare
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First off, I mean this in the absolute sweetest way possible, but you are probably gonna want to re-do that navmesh from scratch, because it is very sloppy and looks like it is several layers deep. You want navmeshing to be clean and be a much more simple pattern than you have there. Second, and to answer your actual question, It looks like your stairs are in a different cell. You can't have navmesh lines go across cell borders. You need to navmesh both cells individually, and make the lines touch the border and line up, and then finalize the cell. That creates those green boxes, which means that that is a place in which an NPC can travel between cells.

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The first thing that comes to mind is boundaries. Your navmesh may be right near the edge where one exterior cell ends and another begins.


If this is the case, there's a special way to connect the navmeshes of two adjoining cells. I don't remember how to do it, I gave up on Skyrim a while ago but I know you can find help if you look up the CK tutorials.

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First off, I mean this in the absolute sweetest way possible, but you are probably gonna want to re-do that navmesh from scratch, because it is very sloppy and looks like it is several layers deep. You want navmeshing to be clean and be a much more simple pattern than you have there. Second, and to answer your actual question, It looks like your stairs are in a different cell. You can't have navmesh lines go across cell borders. You need to navmesh both cells individually, and make the lines touch the border and line up, and then finalize the cell. That creates those green boxes, which means that that is a place in which an NPC can travel between cells.


Actually, strangely enough, the messy navmesh you're seeing at the bottom of the image is not mine. I admit I shifted it slightly because I wondered if it wasn't hindering me from navmeshing the rest of the stair, but what you're seeing is actually original game mesh. I run all three DLCs, so there might be overlap from them, I'm not sure. That being said, I'd love to clean them up, but how in the world could I re-mesh an entire worldspace (this is an exterior wilderness location near the entrance to Blind Cliff Bastion) and make sure it's exactly as it was? My mesh starts from where you can see it on the stairs and goes up and over a bridge across a waterfall that is off camera. I was careful to keep mine clean because I didn't want to risk it not working, and I was actually proud of the work I'd done given this is my first time messing with things like this.... and then this happened at the base of the stairs. -glares at creation kit-


As for your suggestion, I didn't realize those were two cells. Since it was one area, I quite naturally thought that entire worldspace was one large cell rather than smaller sections. I'll look up a tutorial on meshing across cells so I have a better handle of how to do that.


However, if I'm going to have to delete all of the messy mesh first... I need to know how to do that and how to make sure that it's re-meshed correctly. Any suggestions?

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You definitely don't want overlapping edges on whatever your own personal work is. Also make sure you are not editing a DLC or someone else's mod that otherwise works fine in general. For your own work, if you're clear on where it starts and ends, try deleting one vertice at a time (the 2nd selection on the navmesh bar) and fix as you go. And if you already made changes to a DLC or another mod then you might want to try and revert those changes with TES5Edit.


As far as the non-joining edges, this only happens on the cell borders. You only need to bring your cell edges close together (like right vertices and edges right on top of one another) and the "finalize" action will take care of the rest. Make sure you run "find cover edges" first though.

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You definitely don't want overlapping edges on whatever your own personal work is. Also make sure you are not editing a DLC or someone else's mod that otherwise works fine in general. For your own work, if you're clear on where it starts and ends, try deleting one vertice at a time (the 2nd selection on the navmesh bar) and fix as you go. And if you already made changes to a DLC or another mod then you might want to try and revert those changes with TES5Edit.


As far as the non-joining edges, this only happens on the cell borders. You only need to bring your cell edges close together (like right vertices and edges right on top of one another) and the "finalize" action will take care of the rest. Make sure you run "find cover edges" first though.


The house is located near a waterfall. Above at the top is The Lover's Stone, and off to the right is the entrance to Blind Cliff Bastion, but the house itself does not overlap either of those locations, so I don't think it's interfering with any of the DLCs. I have considered making notes of where I put everything and just starting fresh, because I do not know that i could revert where I shifted the mesh from the original game.


As for the issue I'm having, the problem I'm running into is that I cannot get the mesh to go further down the ladder to connect to anything at all, and do I connect it to existing game mesh? Perhaps when it comes to that I should find a tutorial so I can see a visual of what you're describing to me.

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If one side doesn't go any further then drag the other over to the first. If you minorly adjust whatever vanilla is there it is fine just try not to if possible or keep it to a minimum. As far as I could find there is no tutorial for working exterior navmesh specifically. I had to ask for help when I had encountered the same problem.
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If one side doesn't go any further then drag the other over to the first. If you minorly adjust whatever vanilla is there it is fine just try not to if possible or keep it to a minimum. As far as I could find there is no tutorial for working exterior navmesh specifically. I had to ask for help when I had encountered the same problem.


Let me see if I understand what you mean. Take the lower point on the left hand side of the stairs and drag it to the right? The reason I'm trying to make sure i understand is that I haven't been able to put mesh there at all, Even starting a new triangle, I can't even put dots down. So I'm trying to make sure I'm understanding what you mean.


I wish there were tutorials on this. Considering the number of player homes and tutorials available (particularly on youtube) I'm actually surprised there isn't anything on how this works for the exterior cells.

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Just try both sides. One or the other vertices should move to meet thr other side. Zoom out on your location from up above and you should be able to see the greater grid displayed. Blue edges mean they have not been merged/finalized. If you can't see it then those edges are properly merged. If you see a gap but no blue then those lines are also not merged obviously.


I have a pic somewhere that might help you if you want but I can't link it right this moment.

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Just try both sides. One or the other vertices should move to meet thr other side. Zoom out on your location from up above and you should be able to see the greater grid displayed. Blue edges mean they have not been merged/finalized. If you can't see it then those edges are properly merged. If you see a gap but no blue then those lines are also not merged obviously.


I have a pic somewhere that might help you if you want but I can't link it right this moment.


The picture would definitely be a help, and it's no worries, I can wait. I may actually delete this particular esp after getting all the location information I need, and try to start from scratch, see if that helps.

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