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4 Things about settlements & settlers you should know


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Thanks for the info OP. I think we figured out the Settlers + Ammo thing long ago. It's why souped up Laser & Plasma Weaponry are what I dish out to preferred Settlers and Provisioners. It's also way effective for the ammo cost involved :cool: We also knew that the Settlement Attack system was wonky at best but I haven't seen much in the way of specifics on that.

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My settlers are chinese sympathizers, so they get nothing :P.


I wish you could be evil in this game, because I would totally go for a Caesar's Legion-esque type of feel, with some being enforcers, like in Raiders in the Pitt DLC, and others being slaves. I wish that you could enslave people, like you could with the Mesmetron and slave collars to force them to work for you, and go on and hold up people for their money, like Caravans, and invade settlements to enslave the men, women, and children and build slave pens to sell the slaves to raider strongholds. I wish someone made something where you could whip the settlers with a weapon like the cattle prod from Fallout New Vegas to get them to work faster, or intimidate them, like that mod where you could point a gun at someone, and get them to submit to you. I think the Charisma 10 perk does something like that.

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