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PerMa and similar mods set bonus tweak


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Hello all. We all know that full set of armor( heavy or light and in some cases ...type ) gives an bonus effect.

But there is a problem if you wear 1-item armor, that takes all 3-4 slots.


For example , i wear heavy armor mod. That takes all regular slots, but game considers it as 1 item. So i can`t benifit from full set. This brings me an request!


Can somebody make or show me mod, that helps in this problem?


P.S. Or you can just give me some tips on how to do it myself. I know basic staff in creation kit.

Edited by SunArau
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It might be worth checking the keywords on your armour. Does it have the keywords armorhelmet, armorcuirass, armorgauntlets and armorboots on it? If not, try adding the missing keywords and see if that solves your problem.

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It`s a nice idea. Sadly that doesn`t work..just checked. Well, figures...gonna use that type of armors only on companions then. Guess there is only 2 solutions.

1) Tweak perks from mods and vanilla.

2) " Cut " one piece armor mods into 3-4 item mods.

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In Vanilla it works like this:


The Perk "Well fitted" checks if you have the Keyword "ArmorLight" on you (which has to be untrue) and if you have ArmorCuirass, ArmorBoots, ArmorGauntlets & ArmorHelmet on you (which has to be true), so adding the 4 Keywords to your Armor will give you the first 25% bonus.


The Perk "Matching Set" counts the Amount of the Keyword "ArmorMaterial..." (for example ArmorMaterialDaedric) on the player, and if it equals 4, you will get the second 25% bonus, so adding the Keywords to your Mod-Armor is not enough.

What you could do is first editing your Armor-Mod by adding a new Keyword to it (for example "ModArmorSetHelper"). Then tweak the "Matching Set"-Perk by adding another "Or"-Condition, which checks for your new Keyword. Or indeed cut your one piece Armor into four parts.



Or you couldt add a "ArmorMaterial.." Keyword to your mod and create 3 "fake items", which carry the same Keyword, which can be equiped together with your Mod-Armor in an unused slot. They wont change appearance (because there is no modell etc attached to them) and wont interfere with stats, if you make it something like Clothes or similar. I think there are unused slots left.

Edited by JoeKa8
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