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Hi! I am Mortalitasti and I have come to ask anyone who has the ability to mod for help with a much needed and overlooked piece of FallOut 4 equipment.


Let me first say that I have an enormous admiration for those of you who create mods. I have tried in the past, on other games to create a mod for myself and it just never happens. So to those of you who can make it work, I say Thank You! You have given me untold hours of pleasure and as soon as I am back on my feet, I will pay it forward somehow.


Next, it occurs to me that, after a apocalyptic event like nuclear war, guns and knives would not be the only weapons available to survivors. I mean think about it, you've just survived a radioactive disaster. Yes, guns are available, but ammo is in short supply and unless you have the proper equipment and know-how there is no way to make more. Money is useless. In the early years, survival would be all that mattered.


Which brings me to my question and request. Question: Why are there no Bows and Arrows in FallOut 4? The bow is a really legitimate weapon that can be easily mastered, and if The Avengers and Rambo have taught me anything, it is that arrows can be made to do many, many things. Bows and arrows, would be easy to make, light to carry and useful for hunting and protection as they can be fired fairly quickly. And as I stated earlier, arrows come in a wide verity of flavors.


So, my request is that one of you brilliant and talented people create a mod that adds a Rambo or Hawkeye style Bow set to FallOut4. I hope that someone will see this and realize that this is truly a huge over site by Bethesda.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope that you will be able to help me.

Edited by ShadowoftheWolf
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A more suitable weapon would be a dartgun (similar in mechanics to crossbows). There's no lack of ammo/weapons around because of the supra-production from the war days.

Wooden bows would be hard to make into resilient weapons due to the poor wood quality. Granted, you can make them from other things, but when you can put together a few metal pieces and make a pipe weapon with better precision, range and power, why bother with a bow?

There's the argument of not fitting the lore as well - people had an obsession for technological gadgets and trinkets, which usually doesn't include weapons shooting a piece of wood at whatever distance. Now, one could make a bow shooting plasma.. but that's a bit far fetched, and there's plenty of actual plasma based weapons that work just fine.



Anyway, someone will make it at some point, but probably requires CK to implement proper bow/arrow physics.

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If i would be a survivor i would build a popato canon with stones or pieces of metal inside the potato =)

Or some self build shogun because you only need a pipe, something to blow up (propane , hydrogen , ethanol or gasoils whatever) and some razor edges inside the pipe.

Put some wax in it and you have a realy dangerous gun. I think the pipe guns already existing in fallout are realy cool.

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Now, one could make a bow shooting plasma.. but that's a bit far fetched, and there's plenty of actual plasma based weapons that work just fine.


You could go with the logic behind the wookie bowcaster lol, the Bowcaster works on the principle of magnetic acceleration.


Someone did mention that in some article. I'd still go for a plasma weapon over a bow.



If i would be a survivor i would build a popato canon with stones or pieces of metal inside the potato =)

Or some self build shogun because you only need a pipe, something to blow up (propane , hydrogen , ethanol or gasoils whatever) and some razor edges inside the pipe.

Put some wax in it and you have a realy dangerous gun. I think the pipe guns already existing in fallout are realy cool.



Please don't build a shogun. They're terrible leaders :P

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first of all i'd like to see this done, and all bows arent made of wood, you have graphite bows, metal bows, etc the list goes on same with arrows not ALL arrows are made from wood. As far as energy based bows that would also be kind of neat as long as the energy released was in the shape of an arrow.

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Well i think it wont happen any soon. We have no proper anymations for the bow for now, which means that we have to create:


1) custom animations in 3rd an 1st person

2) custom meshes for the bow, quiver, arrow and arrow projectile

3) advanced ESP file, which definitely will need working GECK


With the tools we have now we could only create custom meshes and even here thera are only few who managed to implement working mesh in fallout 4.


So this is much harder than it sounds.

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What datatype uses bethesda for its bone files? .fbx? (i guess it will pe packed somehow and need to be unpacked)

If you could edit the animation file it would be no problem. I guess with 3dsmax and maya you wont have any problems, they support almost all cummon filetypes. Creating meshes for a stupid bow is no problem.

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Which brings me to my question and request. Question: Why are there no Bows and Arrows in FallOut 4? The bow is a really legitimate weapon that can be easily mastered, and if The Avengers and Rambo have taught me anything, it is that arrows can be made to do many, many things. Bows and arrows, would be easy to make, light to carry and useful for hunting and protection as they can be fired fairly quickly. And as I stated earlier, arrows come in a wide verity of flavors.


So, my request is that one of you brilliant and talented people create a mod that adds a Rambo or Hawkeye style Bow set to FallOut4. I hope that someone will see this and realize that this is truly a huge over site by Bethesda.

There is already a Railway gun in game, which acts like a gigantic dart shooter (or harpoon launcher). We can supposedly mod some sort of crossbow easily, I need to look at the railway gun to see if the railway "arrow" sticks out on the victim. Bows require brand new animations (omg you make me miss Skyrim) which is a lot more work.


You are right about the lack of ammo. This game brings close to the premise of Walking Dead series, but there are more people around in FO4 with better communication system, and the ghouls are a lot less of a threat than in Walking Dead. The situation is not as dire as any zombie movies. Gunner, BOS can still fly their vertibird via Fusion cores. Energy is a lot easier to come by than having to rely on gasoline. And since people can build power generators, charging energy weapons is a lot easier. Thus there are a lot of pipe rifles out there made by raiders (who have no technology and resources backing them). It is possible to make bullets on their own, although I wonder ... where do gun powder comes from? Laser musket on the other hand is entirely possible and more cost effective. There are tons of fusion cells around that can act as rechargeable battery.


Don't confuse yourself with the retro feel of the game, the world didn't "end" until 2077. They just progressed differently than our real history that somehow they kept the 1950 culture and fashion for 100+ years. But their technology is way more advanced than what we have now at 2016. True, no smart phones, no bluetooth, no laptop or tablet. Technology took a different route. They could have made the gigantic Pipboy into something like an Apple watch in size, I know. But while they were lacking in that, they made up for the advanced energy technology. Your pipboy can go on almost forever without requiring to charge. Imagine you can do that with your iphone now, keeping the Light on for long period of time ... it will drain battery within 1 hour. If cars are still working in FO4, they probably can be driven for months without having to recharge. So the worry of cars "running out of gas" like in Walking Dead is a lot less prevalent.


Back on topic, we still cannot dismiss the use of bow or crossbow. Bows may have a steep learning curve for normal people, but crossbows are almost like rifles (almost). If anything, it is far less complex to make than a pipe pistol. Almost anyone of us here can make a bow and some arrows (albeit not very good ones, probably won't even kill a rabbit). But for survival, you go back to stone age if you have to.

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I never used the railway gun, but in some youtube videos it always looked like it would shoot straight in a line. Is this correct?

But there are guns with ballistic physics ingame. Cryo gun i.e. and also the junk jet. So i am pretty sure it is possible. Of course arrows stucking in bodys like with the railway gun is also a great idea.


edit: ah you mentioned skyrim, good point. Copy and Paste existing Bows :laugh: I sometimes forget it is the same engine haha

Edited by yerude
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