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How human are synths?


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Father specifically states that they are all descended from his DNA.


Yes, and that's a reason why synth can't be considered as humans. Humans have a unique genome unlike synth. Synths are clones.


Another reason is that synths can't have a baby or have sex and probably don't know love.

Edited by Alano69
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The whole "created in the image of God (actually, "Our" image, that is, of God and the angels)" thing is kinda interesting. Humans and chimpanzees share 98% of their DNA. Does that mean that chimps are 98% like God?


My interpretation of the "in the image of" concept is not in physical form, which would be irrelevant to an omnipotent being, but rather, in the faculties already discussed, i.e., self-awareness, and the capacity to make moral choices (knowledge of Good and Evil). Even Nick Valentine displays those qualities. Does that give him a soul? I dunno if souls even exist, though Judeo-Christian texts define every living thing as a soul, rather than simply possessing one. If Nick can die, does that mean he has/is a soul? In his case, would "death" mean damage beyond being able to repair him and restore his full consciousness? Or does his having arisen as the creation of non-divine beings (humans) bar him from that status? That's a question for theologians, but it is food for thought. =^[.]^=

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Father specifically states that they are all descended from his DNA.


Yes, and that's a reason why synth can't be considered as humans. Humans have a unique genome unlike synth. Synths are clones.


Another reason is that synths can't have a baby or have sex and probably don't know love.


So, a cloned human being isn't... human?


Good to know we have authorities like you to define these things for us! =^[.]^=

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Father specifically states that they are all descended from his DNA.


Yes, and that's a reason why synth can't be considered as humans. Humans have a unique genome unlike synth. Synths are clones.


Like twins or triplets.


Another reason is that synths can't have a baby or have sex and probably don't know love.


"Yes, and that's a reason why synth can't be considered as humans. Humans have a unique genome unlike synth. Synths are clones."



Like twins or triplets. Burn those soulless bastards!


"Another reason is that synths can't have a baby"


Most humans can't either. Too young, too old, too sick... and so on.


If someone requires medical technology to reproduce, does that make them soulless? Did Shaun have a soul?



".. or have sex"


There's a ton of synth sex in this game.. it's treated the same as human.



"... and probably don't know love"


despite the fact that a robot can - we see that in Diamond City. And a synth infiltrator is reprimanded for thinking of the family at Warwick farm as his own - sounds like he was falling in love, even if still loyal to the Institute. If they fall, I imagine he'll spend the rest of his days as a member of that family, and maybe even forget he was anything else.


Paladin Danse loves the BoS - he was willing to die for it. He was still loyal to it when he found out he was a synth.


And Curie is very loving - quite giddy, in fact.

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There is no such thing as uncreated being if it exists. And for an atheist you still seem to believe in a very narrow area of human religion. No humans were not created by Odin nor any other such named deity. And being created in an image of god does not mean in "shape" of god. You have good points, they are just coming form a very narrow point of view. Now I'll finish my mod and we might philosophise more later.

Well, actually, the good thing about not believing any of that, is that I can choose whatever angle suits my taking the piss at the moment. I can use shintoism, or buddhism, or the ancient Egyptian gods, or the flying spaghetti monster, or indeed I've been known to show that certain theological arguments for the Bible also apply to Cthulhu.


In this case the point really is that you kinda need to clarify what you mean, because things may look very differently from another angle. I went with Norse gods because, hey, who doesn't like Thor :wink: But it's not even the worst angle to go from. Being created in the image of any particular god makes no sense for a lot of religions where the Gods aren't very human shaped. And it really makes no sense at all for a lot of schools of Buddhism, as well as some animism.


Hell, even for Abrahamic religions, there were plenty who don't believe in an anthropomorphic god. E.g., Philo makes God the father something far greater and unimaginable, and humans are created by and in the image of the divine Logos instead. You know, the whole "word of god" thing, that later came to be Jesus in John. Although Logos actually meant more than word, and was more like REASON actually. Hence why humans have reason.


It also shows that really, while you are entitled to whatever beliefs float your boat, they don't really do much to solve such arguments. Why? Because they might make no sense to someone with a different set of beliefs.


E.g., why wouldn't a synth fit the cycle of reincarnation for a Buddhist? Why wouldn't an animist (e.g., shinto), for whom even trees, rocks places or the sun have spirits, think that a synth has a spirit too?


Even among the religions in the game, would a disciple of Atom necessarily disagree that Synth too can take part in the great fission?

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yeah i dont think this is gonna progress anywhere and my last words will be: synth=always just a synth, never a human. And to you mora, knowing is just the first step understanding it is the second and then..


original definition


"To be Human is to be Greek"

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“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.” ― Plato, The Symposium


I guess if humans were created in the image of the gods, yeah, that original form must have been it :tongue:

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Where in the game does it say that synths can reproduce, have babies? Why would the institute work so hard to "replace" what is left of humanity with something that can't reproduce? The idea is that humans are too messed up from radiation to ever go back to normal population levels and so they will die off. The institute has decided to replace humans with synths so that eventually the synths fill in where the humans fail and so humanity eventually stabilizes and returns to normal population levels but that is from my understanding of the horrible game plot. I still don't know where in the game it says these dam things can reproduce and one of the load screens shows a naked male gen2 synth with no junk just a lump where it should be. If you take off curie's clothes you still can't see past her underwear. How do we know that gen 3 synths can even reproduce? If they can't then why replace people with synths? what so the replacements will be the only things left wandering the earth when the irradiated remnants of humanity finally go feral and die off?


If they cannot reproduce it is just a huge HUGE dumb plot hole in the story and makes no sense like something peter griffin would write.

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