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How human are synths?


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I'm not entirely sure that the purpose is to replace humanity, since the Institute views synth as just robot slaves, basically, not as some master race. They're not the next generation of humans, they're, as Father would say, human-LIKE, and important distinction.


All the replacing people I've seen seems to be more like means to an end, rather than just replacing humanity as a whole. One synth replacement gave them control of the biggest settlement in MA. Another one is pretty much for a botanics experiment. Another one may well be looking for the runaway synth in Goodneighbor, or the Railroad activities there. Others are infiltrating the Railroad to destroy it. Others try to destroy your settlements, if you go enemy with the institute.


And, think about it... why on Earth would you want them to reproduce anyway? The chips and servos inside them wouldn't be reproduced, so you wouldn't get a synth out of that.


Plus, a pregnant synth can't do much hard labour for the last part. It creates emotional attachments which just creates more problems. Do you really want to end up having to figure which courser isn't the cousin of the guy they're supposing to catch? Plus you're stuck with a slave baby for a long time, who just needs food and maintenance for many years, but doesn't produce anything.


Why would you do that, when you can 3d-print them directly as adults?

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I'd like to know how are the gen 3 synths programmed, I mean they are entirely made of pre-made organic components, grown using Father's DNA and modyfied with FEV, which are then put together using some high tech mumbo jumbo (I mean since in Big MT they were able to create technology witch will allow brain to wirelessly control body, creating body from puzzle-like pieces doesn't seem high tech at all). And how exactly was it possible to transfer curie's awarness to gen 3 body. You could do something simillar in Fo2 with Skynet, but in that case brain was only used as a processor. Also how is that possible for organic synths to live without consumption of food or water. Older, mechanical generation would only require power supply but living tissue needs nutrition (for both energy and regeneration).

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Synth components you get from dead synths break down to plastic, which technically is organic, but it ain't tissue.

Forgot about that, that would explain a lot.


Using food and water as power and fuel is already a thing.

Maybe they are nuclear.

Yes, that would explain how gen 1 and 2, which are basically more humanoid robots with advanced AI, are powered but how could that work with gen 3 (unless it's some advanced mumbo jumbo reverse-engineered from alien tech, like Skynet and many Enclave technologies. That would basically mean that FEV explains weird mutations and aliens explain weird tech).




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They would need to reproduce in order to eventually merge with humanity, think of that horrible redo of battlestar galactica and remember the very last episode and who eve was, what she was.


The vibe I get from the institute certainly from that guy working in the assembly area is that eventually people and synths will merge so that humanity can adapt to the radiation and horrible conditions on the surface.


Gen3 synths do eat and drink just watch curie do those things when she idles while following you.


To just make synths to simply imitate humans as the only reason to make them is incredibly stupid and considering the institute is made up of really smart people why would they be that stupid? The dialogue from some of the institute npcs about synths being a glorified toaster blah blah are just dumb filler compared to some of the more interesting npc dialogues here and there. This crap company simply did this story wrong and didn't put enough depth into the whole synth thing or father at all.

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Well, I think someday humans and technology will merge, that will be the next step in evolution of humans. No more need for cell phones and computers when you have all that stuff sitting inside your brain on the nano scale of existence. Nano bots running through your blood stream maintaining your body, preventing or removing and problems like mental diseases or body diseases. Just think, no more need to go to the doctor for the common cold or the flu or diabetes. People could finally multi task for real without failing to do something else at the same time. You could have a program loaded to control your body to drive your car for you to work while you talk on the phone and browse the net. Hell you could have a program loaded to move your body around at work too so you don't even have to think about working! The net would evolve into some altered reality like the matrix where we would spend the majority of our time while programs move our bodies around taking care of mundane things like taking out the trash, working, driving to and from work, going to the grocery store... save your time for important things like spending time with your kids and going on vacation. The intelligence boost would remove lack of common sense from the population and it would be much harder for the govt to lie to people during election cycles. The media would be knocked on their ass finally and unable to divide the population during election cycles too.

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Lol you missed it man, no people would not be numb corpses they would be choosing when to exist in reality and when to exist in altered reality. Of course need for sleep and food would limit this time away from altered reality and the increase in intelligence offered by technology would prevent people from becoming addicted to altered reality. The increase in intelligence would also get rid of the facebook and twitter crap in the world and people would only congregate to share something useful and intelligent or culturally relevant or actually entertaining and not the crap we have for entertainment today. Remember those people in that movie star trek resurrection that wouldn't move from their planet because that special anti aging effect it had? Kind of like that only much better society.


The nano scale tech would be something that would pass along to a child while still in the womb so nobody could charge some outrageous amount of money for the nano tech at the hospital or something like that. High cost of healthcare would be eradicated along with the common cold. Eventually this tech would spread across the whole world it could even hitch a ride on common airborne diseases as they spread to cure them once they reached a body. Humans would no longer reproduce like crazy and would instead only have as many kids as they could financially support. In other words people would do the right thing the first time the common sense thing all the time no more bad people either since mental problems would be cured. We wouldn't need huge jails and a corrupt justice system anymore, kids would grow up normally and everyone would contribute to society in some way. Might not be any more homeless people anymore too since anyone could handle basic things like keeping a job and paying bills.

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