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Invisible Ghosts Destroying Settlements! HELP!?


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Right in front of your eyes, things just start self destructing. I had it happen to me in The Slog.

Has anyone else had this happen? I found a video another player posted on youtube. But neither of us know why it's happening.


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I had that happen in a complete Vanilla game in a series of 12 or 15 saves.


I think it's a bug, some hiccup in the game data decided you had somehow failed defending your settlement and adjusts your settlement's resource accordingly - even if the player is around. I believe we see it happen because settlements cells suffer some horrible script latency and data takes forever to load (at least in my game it does).


In my case, I reloaded many previous saves when I knew for sure my settlement was okay, and the same thing happened again and again on reloading these 12 or 15 saves, everything magically crumbling all around with no raider or mutant or radscorpions around. Eventually, in one save my settlers started shooting wildly all around while they were still no attackers to be found and the scene was stuck in a never ending loop.


Checking my workshop's stored resources, I found that all food resources had vanished (even wild plants, raw meat, mushrooms, etc. - only booze remained), and worse, all the trash weapons and armors I had stocked there, while vendors' stored caps went wild: the amount was first nearly 4 times what was there before, then reloading the same save only 3 Caps were left, and reloading again, none at all.


I just erased all these saves and reloaded the first clean save I found - it hasn't happened again so far. I hated having to do this but it was safer than trying to salvage some saves which were probably corrupt when we all know that the settlements management system is buggy as hell already.

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Hmm. Until a day or two ago, I took a break from FO4 in Dec 18 due to family and the holidays. Starting back up, I'll make a circuit around some settlements and notice a bunch of things broken requiring a lot of resources to repair. Generators, turrets, water purification / pumps, even stores were damaged. I've usually been very good on going to a settlement when I get the notification that one is under attack. Even when I played after the Dec 7 patch, I had fallen asleep on the computer and not noticed any of the settlement damage like this before. It's happened numerous times already despite taking great pains (i.e. resources) on outfitting my settlers very well with ample defenses.

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