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Finding "sweet spot" difficulty.


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Ok, guys, I get it, I messed up with thread title hard...

Now, please READ THIS:


I'm not so dense, that I want to have a real challenge when fighting Skeever or Mudcrab on level 116 with top tier equipment, all I'm looking for is BALANCE of damage dealt and taken mostly from top tier foes. I kinda found it I guess, I just need someone to explain me basically MATH of it, how it calculates and how do I achieve what I want. Dicking around console is what I've been doing all this time with little result...


Ultimate question: how do I get 0,75 damage dealt on Legendary Difficulty (I basically need SAME damage output as if I play on Expert) while maintaining vanilla (legendary) x3 damage taken with "attackdamagemult" command affecting ONLY me and not foes? Will player.forceav ~ cut it for me? And will my damage dealing affect modded creatues (like from SIC) or it calculated somehow based on difficulty (which mod and vanilla game have separate)?

Edited by Signette
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Try Skytweak.

I did, thing is, tool is great, and it has motherload of tweaks for almost everything, but all I need is 1-2 lines put in console, SkyTweaks will be sorta overkill for that, no? Still, it doesn't explain how damage multiplier works, it just gonna apply same console commands from MCM menus...

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