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Best Anti-virus software?

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Okay, thank you to everyone who answered. I have a few more questions.


-Do I need the paid version of MalwareBytes to have the system restore feature?


I have never used the paid version, the free one does not do any real time scanning but is fairly effective at cleaning up existing problems. I'm not sure what your talking about with the system restore so I would guess that is part of the paid version if it is offered.


-What is the most secure browser? I use Chrome but I know a lot of people like Firefox, I don't want to go back to IE, however. It was too slow.

I would recommend using Firefox with at least 2 plug-ins: Ad-block Plus and BetterPrivacy.


-Would MSE + Faronics Anti-Execute + MalwareBytes be way too much protection and would they not cooperate with each other?

-Am I being too paranoid :blink:?


You shouldn't need the MalwareBytes running as MSE has anti-spyware built in, it will only slow you down. The Faronics will simply block all but approved .exe files, while handy may become a bit of a pain depending on what you need to run. Shouldn't conflict with AV though.

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I think the question was covered pretty well here:



Essentially, there is no best, just different forms of the same safety net to help cover your ass when you do something stupid. If someone wants to get in and do damage to your system, they can and will, it is only a question of how much effort it takes them. The differences of each safety net is in how they work and how large the gaps are, some are better than others, but there is no single solution nor any real aspect of absolute safety, there is no such thing.

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Opera is pretty much the most secure browser out there. It's also a pretty good one. Chrome has very little in the way of features and also comes with Google privacy entanglements. If you want to use a Chromium-based browser, use SRWare Iron.
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Okay, thank you to everyone who answered. I have a few more questions.


-Do I need the paid version of MalwareBytes to have the system restore feature?

-What is the most secure browser? I use Chrome but I know a lot of people like Firefox, I don't want to go back to IE, however. It was too slow.

-Would MSE + Faronics Anti-Execute + MalwareBytes be way too much protection and would they not cooperate with each other?


Firefox with the right plugins should do you well. Chrome also has equivalent plugins that achieve the same results. Really it's a matter of personal preference between firefox and chrome.


You shouldn't need the MalwareBytes running as MSE has anti-spyware built in, it will only slow you down. The Faronics will simply block all but approved .exe files, while handy may become a bit of a pain depending on what you need to run. Shouldn't conflict with AV though.


Malwarebytes (at least the free version) only runs when you tell it too. And a MSE and malwarebytes combo is actually a very good idea because they catch things that the other does not; it's always an extremely good idea to have multiple anti-spyware programs. MSE, Faronics, and malwarebytes will not conflict with each other, as long you uninstall Mcafee beforehand.


-Am I being too paranoid :blink:?


In computer security, paranoia is a virtue.

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Okay, thank you to everyone who answered. I have a few more questions.


-Do I need the paid version of MalwareBytes to have the system restore feature?

-What is the most secure browser? I use Chrome but I know a lot of people like Firefox, I don't want to go back to IE, however. It was too slow.

-Would MSE + Faronics Anti-Execute + MalwareBytes be way too much protection and would they not cooperate with each other?

-Am I being too paranoid :blink:?


-Don't know

-They claim Opera is the most secure as an overall browser , there are others more secure but you run into support issues when it comes to web surfing (as in certain things will not run because browser doesn't support)

-Maybe , depends what Faronics does , if it works like NoScript then Malware may not be needed.

- Ya sound like a nutcase to me (sorry me bad couldn't resist)


Look it all depends on what sites you like to visit , if your going to gambling/porn/pirate sites of dubious nature then no amount of Malware/Anti Spyware ,Anti Virus is going to protect you for long as those use a blacklist approach and lists get changed and its a constant battle to keep up with the changes.A whitelist approach blocks it all and gives you the chance to allow or not allow something to run , before it gets a chance to get on system.


Her's a link that is a good read on security


Safe Computing

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