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Why hasnt anyone tried to help me out?


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WARNING: This thread MIGHT contain possible traces of whinning :O


I look for simple casual gear on tesnexus suitable for my main charecter and i cant find any ideal to me so i signed up for forums just to request one WITH pictures and no one does that one, just 66 views. Two and a half weeks later i get sick of waiting and remake the thread, this time with a much easier and different outfit. Still, even though its been almost a few hours, people have only been looking at it (maybe i should give more time. Maybe i should just stick with getting the shirt made). Even though i should wait on my last thread more, im just a bit concerened. are they too hard? I don't see why not. Just get a long loose shirt thing or something and retexture it for the second thread?


Anyways, all im wondering is:

Dont people do outfit requests anymore?!


And i also suck at modding, i tried becoming a modder for a starwars game (mainly because i wasnt a starwars fan anymore but i liked the gameplay and wanted it to be in a different timeline) and i sucked! And the modders on the forums were fags.... wouldnt help me out (and expected me to know like, everything in the entire bloody world of 3D moddeling) Can someone answer me or something?

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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If you want help, you can:

1. Post it in the Oblivion Mod Detectives and you'll be sure to get an answer within an hour or a day (depends) unless it's a rare or ripped outfit.

2. Ask the uploader of the screenshot to give you a link to the file or at least some information on what it is.

3. Do some search in the Mod Detectives, the info on the outfit might have already been posted there.


Good Luck. ;)



Right I misunderstood. Yeah I don't think many modders do requests as they usually mod for themselves and then share their work if they feel like it.

You'll have to learn it yourself if you wanna get what you want. Sorry mate. x3


You could always check out the "armor" or "cloths" section on tesnexus - I'm sure there'll be something that'll spark your interest.

Edited by tnguye3
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Making unique armor is one of the more time consuming endeavors for a modder. Of the many modders on this site, few make models, of those few, even less make armor, animations, etc. Most of the people who make armor are very busy with their own projects, and since so few people are taking requests, it is just unlikely that someone even likes your idea.


A well done armor set, fully rigged, modeled, and textured can easily take over 30 hours. So unless the modder is really into the idea, he/she probably not willing to spent the vast amount of time to help out one person.


My advice: make reasonable requests that are likely to appeal to modders and mod-users, and make your request knowing it is unlikely that someone will be able to do it. I do not mean to discourage you, but modders are often busy people, and armor requests can take up the most time, time people often do not have.

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Modders mod what they want, not what you want. So if you want someone else to do your work for you, make it sound appealing. Or, learn to mod. It's not that hard. Then you can ignore people who ask for things you don't want to make. :tongue:
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What you want though looks like you could do it with just a retexture of one of the vanilla shirts. Texturing wouldn't take as long as modeling an entire mesh. What you need if you're going to take a crack at it yourself is Gimp and a .dds plugin. A tutorial should help too.


And don't go poo-pooing people who haven't helped. I saw your multiple topics with that video link and you got several responses with suggestions. I'd call that help. :rolleyes:

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Well for one thing ,in your thread you never said please . Also , it seems as if you demanded it to be made with these two statements.


I want someone to make this outfit for me in oblivion. (Don't know if they will go or not...)


(Btw, make the shirt so you can put gauntlets over it)


A word of advice : If you really want someone to make something , you should try to make them like it. People know that you like it , but a modder will only make it if they like it as well http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


Heh , Bben beat me to it http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif

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I asked for smaller moons once and nobody responded at all,or told me how to do it myself, but that's how it goes. It means nobody but me is both interested and able to do it for me, and that's just life. I am trying to learn how to mod Oblivion more so in the future I can do things like that myself. I think maybe some people assume the mod request threads are there because specific modders have offered to fulfill all the requests. That is not the case,if you thought that. It's really just a place where you can say pretty please and hope someone else finds it interesting. I greatly admire those modders who do take requests at all. Life is short, most modders have jobs, school, and/or family to think about, and it is very generous of them to give their free time to others. I admit I was a bit disappointed that nobody was interested in my request, but then I asked myself what have I really contributed to the Oblivion mod community? The answer is, nothing really. It kind of put things in perspective.
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