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Slow loading time to main website.


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Hello there, I've been having problem of 'unable' to access the site nexusmods.com


It has been for quite some time, when I try to get to the main site, it will load reaaaaally slowly with white screen and will always be 'unresponsive' so my browsers said.


Tried to get in with firefox/IE/ and Chrome, none of them able to breach in to the site. I tried to use mobile browser to get in, it works fine if it just to access the site, but the ads pop ups won't stop, basically the ads clogging my mobile browser, recently, so I can't really get anything from the site.


Also I tried to add the nexusmods to exception list on my antivirus too, but, it doesn't really help.


Basically it will seems like my attached screenshot.


I'm really at my wit's end here, so I hope someone might know what's the cause or even giving the solution for this.

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That looks like you're not able to access our Static Content system. For example..


If you click here you should get a blank page. If you click here you should see some box art for "The Thing" video game. If neither work, something, somewhere, is blocking your access to that URL.


I don't know why you blanked out the apps you're using in the top right. But check to make sure whatever apps (I assume adblockers and the like) you're using aren't blocking the site from working properly.

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