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[IDEA] Lone Wanderer Quest


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Ok, this is just an idea I had. I'm not that experienced with modding at this point, but this sounds like a fairly big thing to request.



My idea is a post-game (or at least, very late-game) quest line.

Your character starts hearing reports of the presence of a very strange group of people-they appear similar to the BoS, but their armor's painted Vault-Tech blue. They're running around attacking settlements or otherwise doing things your faction does not like.



You investigate this group of people, and you eventually find out who they are. You see, once Elder Maxson took over the BoS, the Lone Wanderer became disillusioned with them, and left. He was let back into Vault 101, and even became their leader. He since reorganized them into essentially his own version of Lyon's BoS, and since relocated them into the commonwealth, and declared war against your faction.



You eventually locate their secret base, and then you have to get inside of it. Fight or sneak your way through it, and then get to the Lone Wanderer's chambers. You talk to him for a moment, and he explains his motivations for declaring war against your faction:
-The Minutemen are too incompetent to fight Mirelurks and are rather sycophantic towards a guy who became their leader for practically no reason at all.

-The Railroad only wants to help Synths, not humans.

-The BoS turned against the ideals of Lyon.

-The Institute reminds him of the Enclave and uses Synths to control the Commonwealth.



At which point, you can A) Fight him, or B) Pass a few speech checks and convince him that your faction is what's best for the Commonwealth, at which point he stands down. Your speech checks boil down to:

-The Minutemen are apparently competent enough to fight off the Institute, and it's not like the Lone Wanderer's leadership is much more legitimate the the Sole Survivor's.

-Helping Synths is the first step to solving other problems in the Commonwealth.

-Synth technology is a threat unlike anything that Lyon ever had to deal with-returning to the old BoS MO is simply necessary to stop a robot rebellion.

-Tell him that the Institute is the kind of organization his Father would have worked for, and compare its operations to Project Purity.


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This sounds like a very good idea, except I think it's odd if the Lone Wanderer starts a war with the Minutemen at all. And your reasoning is......because they can't fight Mirelurks? Because of the way they lost the Castle the first time, I take it. But remember, they took it back with a relatively low amount of people. And my General of the Minutemen is capable of single-handedly taking down a Mirelurk Queen. So, yeah.

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this strangely reminds me of lonesome road from nv

That's not entirely unintentional. I mean, I didn't start out with "Lonesome Road, but with the Lone Wanderer", but as I toyed with the idea similarities started to form that I decided to roll with. I started with "The Lone Wanderer is sent to hunt the Sole Survivor down".



Oh, here's another idea: You show up with Dogmeat, and he'll note that your dog reminds him of one he used to own.



As for motivations: I suppose he could hate your character on principle of him being a member of the pre-war US military. That is to say, he assumes the Sole Survivor has Enclave-esque leanings and just assumes you're building a second Enclave. It's a little bit of a stretch, though. And I suppose it wouldn't work for a female Sole Survivor.

Edited by Protagonist7
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It'll probably be better if it's about him, the LW trying to give the Brotherhood the boot out of the Commonwealth. He created this problem by seeking the BoS help back in the day if he hadn't things would have ended very differently. Maybe with his death even but partial blame still lies with him.


So now that the BoS are terrorizing the Commonwealth sort of. Depending on who you side with that is. He's come to show the Commonwealth they aren't the Knights in shining armor they parade as. If you have sided with the BoS it could test your allegiances as secrets come to light. Why Maxson is leading this crusade, how he defied the codex, spoiler territory here.

As he plans to nuke the Institute which brought ruin upon the old world. I'm sure there could be other reasons.

And whether you'll side with the LW or Maxson.


Every other Faction choice would make that decision easier.

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