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No Console Menu for OBSE


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I have several mods running but nothing out of the ordinary. OBSE (latest version) installed and prior to my most recent mod install (COBL), it worked fine. I enter the console, type [startquest bbcmenu] exit the console and there would be my obse menu. Now nothing, any ideas.
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The console command StartQuest bbcmenu is not an OBSE quest menu, it is a Better Cities quest menu. If you do not have Better Cities installed that command will do nothing.
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I have latest version of OBSE(2.0) and of course, yes I have better cities otherwise how would the menu have worked fine before? I think the problem is not COBL but DarNified. I don't use the console regularly only for suggested acts in other mods, so don't know if it stopped because of COBL or DarNified. I will check to see if other commands work. Thanks for the feedback.
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I have latest version of OBSE(2.0) and of course, yes I have better cities otherwise how would the menu have worked fine before?


You gave no indication in your initial post, and your question included "OBSE no longer shows its menu". Do not assume that because you know what is on your system, or what you have or haven't done, that others will too.

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Hickory, sorry you were offended, but if you read my initial post, it is clear that the OBSE menu was working. I clearly stated that when I said "I would enter the console, type in startquest bbcmenu and there it would be". Since, as you stated, it is a Better Cities menu, I must have both better cities installed and working and that the OBSE menu was working too. I also stated that I had the latest version, granted it is very new, but I said I had it.
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I was not offended, and you are assuming, again.

Your assuming that I'm assuming. Silly isn't it? So lets move on.

If you are still willing to help, any ideas on why my BBCMenu does not show up? The only things that have changed since I last used it (successfully) to toggle some switches in Better Cities, has been adding DarNified, and COBL. Any connection to these mods you think? I use BOSS, FCOM and Wrye Bash. All of my mods are recognized by BOSS. I do not use Francesco's but do use OOO, MMM, Bobs, OWC, and the item leveler mod. I used WB to install everything. I do get an occasional CTD and almost always a "stopped working" error on exit. If I make any changes to things I always run BOSS and then a rebuild patch. I have, I believe, ALL the latest updates and/or betas. Running Windows 7 64 bit OS. I also use OBSE to launch Oblivion and have set up Oblivion's exe to run as a XP service pack 3. All my Oblivion related files, mods, exe's, etc. are NOT in the Program files folders but in C:\\Games\Bethseda\Oblivion as you suggested previously.

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