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I open the masterfile or/with some other mods"..."the stupid render window doesn't display a DAMN THING !! I have tried everything!!

the whole window is filled with grey color !!


It is like the world has disappeared or something invisibility cast on land,...blah, blah, blah...HELLP!!!!

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Were you zoomed in on anything in the render window? Which cells did you try to load into the render window? With some cells you are zoomed out so far that you can't see anything, but double-clicking an item in the list for the loaded cell should zoom you in on that item, and you can then work things out from there.
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This is what I have tried...i think:


Double-clicked on: Area-cell, item, another item, NPC, stuff like that...it's like it's an error or something...:ranting:

I have tried anything i could think of...except from kiddin around with the options and menus and stuff...

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iv'e read many forums about this problem, its apparently a common problem, ithey didn't ever spcify how to fix it though, it seems as though no one know.


This one guy that makes mod named he the Blind_Modder because he can't see anything in the render window, he just uses calculations to make mods, his mods are pretty good too. You could think of it as a dissibility that you have to overcome by using calculations.


Sorry, this probalby wasn't much help im jus spitting out everything i know.

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