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Mod Suggestion - Improved Equipment


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I want to request a mod that removes the generic enchanted armor, equipment and weapons from skyrim and replaces them with more sensible, non enchanted but still improved and usefull variants. There is equipment in the game that have special properties but are not magically enchanted; Valdr's Lucky Dagger for example.


It's always bugged me that common stores and traders carried magically enchanted items, and that they had no use because I can't stand that they provide a skill/ability boost based on a small percentage that I don't even notice when they should really have a flat number. For anyone who's played the Knights of the Old Republic single-player RPG's, you'll probably remember equipment, weapons and armor that had special stats, and could give you a better chance at survival during the early game experience . I'm playing with a pair of combat overhaul mods, Action Combat by Proski and Ultimate Combat by tktk, which make the combat more challenging.


I am also trying out Legendary Artifacts by Goth79 (check it out), which renders them even more useless. Another thing is that I like the idea of having to balance between a useful but less protective item as opposed to a piece of armor.


I would love to do this myself, but I'm new to the Creation Kit, which is dizzying, and I feel this would be relativly simple for someone who fully understands how to maneuvar through it. I'm suggesting the use of the ingame assets, and not custom textures, models, or scripting. I'm also not suggesting anything over-powered. I like playing a meat and potatoes style character who relies on his equipment and wits to survive, using magic just kind of goes against that character concept. Also, there's this undercurrent of suspicion aimed towards magic in the game, so why can everybody walk into the local trader and buy magical trinkets?


Effect Types


Skill Bonuses

+5 +10 +15, etc.


Immunities To

Poison or disease (I'm kitted out in full armor and one bite from a diseased animal instantly gets me infected or ranged poison attacks always have) or certain magic attacks (these should be rare, and only have on immunity effect applied to them for balance)


Armor Rating Bonus

+5 +10 +15, etc.


I'd like to hear from anyone interested and refine the idea with balance and immersion in mind.

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Well, just some things to keep in mind:


Those percentage bonuses are generally more effective than what you are describing here. +5 to a skill translates to +2.5% damage. The smallest percentage bonus on armor is generally 7%. Plus those bonuses stack, so you can ultimately get +100% whereas if you have four +15 items it would only add up to +30%.


Enchanted versions of lower level items become available earlier than enchanted versions of the best possible armor or weapon, by several levels. So you really ought to be choosing between an enchanted weapon or armor vs. a more protective armor (or a magic weapon vs. a more damaging weapon) unless one of your mods has messed with leveled lists OR you have the Arcane Smithing perk OR you have a very high enchanting skill and enchanting perks.


Immunity to disease and poison items already exist in-game.

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