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200 years is too long


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If the talk between the paladins is cannon, it's kind of taking a crap* on all your progress in F3. You assist all those communities, defeat the enclave, bring about purified water (after 10 years of recharge, you'd think there would be clean rivers in the Capital wasteland).


Then there are all the small accomplishments:

*If cannon, helped out in reintroducing small ants over the giant variants

*Super mutants defeated

*Mapped and organized thanks to Reiley's Rangers

*A large military keeping raiders in disarray, thanks to the BOS allowing recruitment of locals.


To here it's in horrendous condition, compared to Boston, after 10 years makes me wonder what is the truly cannon ending of F3? Does the Lone wanderer become a complete prick, or always was one? :tongue:


Take a look at Star wars Kotor 2. When you meet Atton you get to establish the previous protagonist's gender, dark/light side affiliation, and overall character. Within less than 5 minutes I felt like my actions meant something in the previous game, and it was shown in some scenes as you continue your journey. To me, I felt like something similar could have done when talking with Piper, or some other wastelander about the the legendary Lone Wanderer. All that would have been needed is to change the dialogue of NPCs if the capital is crap or thriving. It's 200 years, how long is everyone going to continue living like the plasma wielding Flintstones?

Edited by beardofsocrates
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Gotta love the people that seem pissed that Fallout still looks like Fallout instead of a drastic change of its setting o.O I don't mind adjustments, but Fallout IS the 1950's meets post apocalypse ... Itd be more odd for that to completely change. Plus, if things did start to change, do you really want to play the Fallout where you're part of a thriving civilization thats closer to modern day society, and you basically just live as a member of said society..? Itd no longer be a fallout, it'd be borderline The Sims: Post-Fallout edition, or some such.

If they had functioning civilization, there would be no need for the player characters o.O

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Gotta love the people that seem pissed that Fallout still looks like Fallout instead of a drastic change of its setting o.O I don't mind adjustments, but Fallout IS the 1950's meets post apocalypse ... Itd be more odd for that to completely change. Plus, if things did start to change, do you really want to play the Fallout where you're part of a thriving civilization thats closer to modern day society, and you basically just live as a member of said society..? Itd no longer be a fallout, it'd be borderline The Sims: Post-Fallout edition, or some such.


If they had functioning civilization, there would be no need for the player characters o.O

It's not that I don't like the setting. It's that I feel like the time frame doesn't make sense.

Edited by gyashaa
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Here's how I'd do it.

2077 - Bombs drop.

1st generation (the ones who were there): Is very sad and longs for the past. Starting from scratch. Tries to bring back society to how it was. Tell their kids about how wonderful it was. Lasts *30 years.

2nd generation (were either born after or were very young when the bombs hit): hear stories from their parents and are intrigued. Doing a little bit better off. Things change only slightly. Very few raiders start to emerge. Lasts 30 years.

3rd generation: Doesn't care about the past. It's time to move on. 1st generation are either very old or dead. "Grandpa's telling the same old story again. *rolls eyes*" Doing much better off. Things start to change. Raiders are organized. Lasts 30 years.

4th generation: 90 years in, 1st generation is long gone. Sees the war as just part of history. Much more change.


So add 110 more years to that? The world would be a very different place.



* I gave each generation 30 years based on when people usually have kids. It's actually quite generous. Also I know the ghouls are part of the 1st generation but they become ostracized and so they don't quite have much influence.


So with this, Fallout 4 should be set around the 3rd generation. (around 60-90 years)

Edited by gyashaa
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Always wondered about the use of fossile fuel in the Fallout world. Especially if you consider fuel is mostly just a waste product from the oil refinement process. Fuel is the least valuable stuff they make out of oil so to get rid of what is basically a waste product we dump it in cars and burn it.
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Always wondered about the use of fossile fuel in the Fallout world. Especially if you consider fuel is mostly just a waste product from the oil refinement process. Fuel is the least valuable stuff they make out of oil so to get rid of what is basically a waste product we dump it in cars and burn it.

Most stuff run on nuclear power like cars. Fossil fuel has limited use.

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Always wondered about the use of fossile fuel in the Fallout world. Especially if you consider fuel is mostly just a waste product from the oil refinement process. Fuel is the least valuable stuff they make out of oil so to get rid of what is basically a waste product we dump it in cars and burn it.


Most stuff run on nuclear power like cars. Fossil fuel has limited use.

I know, but they still need oil for plastics, medicine, chemicals, etc. So what would they do with the leftover fuel!! Unless off course they found alternatives sources for those, plastics can be made from corn and algea, not sure if they can have the same quality as oil based polymers and carbonfibers.

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Guess we haven't seen much of a cultural evolution in the last two hundred years, so why should we ever expect one in the two hundred years that follow a nuclear meltdown of all modern technology and any form of social organization beyond that of primitive local scavenger gangs. And the factions in Fallout 4 are just that - scavengers. Wonder what their purpose in (virtual) life would be when the last piece of scrap is scrapped. Already now my settlers are complaining about their life, calling their new and first homes ever 'shacks'. I mean they have no idea of a modern house or the five-star apartments of the Institute, am I right? Can't they just leave the settlements and go back to their shitty place of origin where the machine has summoned them to bite me huh.

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Seriously, it seems like cultural evolution simply came to an abrupt halt after the bombs hit. I'm okay with lots of 50s stuff a little bit after the bombs but 200 YEARS?? Come on. Look at how much our culture has changed in only 50. There should be new music created by the people in the wasteland, new fashions, new buildings, new art, etc. But no. People are still listening to the same old thing, wearing the same old clothes, wearing the same 200 year old haircuts, using the same old technology. I know this isn't everyone like raiders or the institute. But look at the Triggermen! Were they trying to look exactly like the mafia or was it just a coincidence? Where is the innovation? I think 200 years is enough for the wasteland to not even be a "wasteland" anymore. The game should've been set maybe 50 years after the bombs hit. What do you guys think?


I can't say I totally disagree with you, because I think New Vegas touched on this a little bit in Honest Hearts with the warring tribes. But, I also think it's hard for us to assume what life would be like if total planetary fallout happened, since nothing like that has ever happened. This story just assumes that everything shut down to such a low grinding crawl that the only progress that's possible is just survival. The world in Fallout is also a very different place than our own reality. After WWII they stuck with nuclear fusion but it exhausted resources so hard that life was basically stuck in the 1950s for the next 120 years. Consider that they were still listening to Butcher Pete and Mighty Mighty Man in 2077...that's around 130 years after those songs were produced. Society had already ground to a halt and stopped progressing even before the bombs dropped.


Think about how there are references to how the people of the wasteland don't even really understand what life was like 200 years ago. In FO3 there are the hockey guys who think hockey teams were all gangs and they mimic a team the best way they can figure it out. Then in FO4 the baseball guy in Diamond City selling "swatters" and talking about how baseball was about beating people to death with bats.


While we haven't seen all of America, I think it's just about safe to say that there aren't any (or any significant) running factories to produce any new tech. The exception there are the Institute who obviously have some level of high end production somewhere, but they're hoarding it for their own goals. Clearly though, they could be counted as one of the ways society has continued to progress, since the advancement of AI has come leaps and bounds since 2077.

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