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Converting Armors


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How would one go about converting armors from one body type to another?


What tools are required and how hard/easy is it, generally speaking? I think I'd like to learn, but I'm not sure where to start.


Thank you, :smile:


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You will have to use something like Blender or 3DS max. Depending on the mesh, converting it wouldn't be as difficult as making it, but it would still require some prior knowledge. You essentially have to manipulate the verts by hand or by deformation to fit around a different base body. If you were converting from say HGEC B, to DMRA, you would have to reform the upper body around the larger cup size and shrink the waist in. More armored models are generally easier to convert, as you don't have to be as accurate. A very skimpy piece of clothing would be difficult to convert, since everything has to be very accurate.


If you haven't tried 3D modeling before, you should probably start with that.

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Thank you very much! I was planning on looking into Blender soon, anyway. Might make good practice until I can model complete pieces on my own.
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I use Blender and i still have beginner knowledge how stuff works.. The whole interface is/was confusing but you'll get used to it. I found that easiest way to convert armor fois messing with proportional edit since i have no idea how lattices work xD

(yes i read that one tutorial but it made no sense so i decided to do it my way)


start with some tutorials and play around.. I learned stuff via trial and error but it's up to you. :teehee:

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I'm also trying to do the same, Auriana. I'm trying to convert some m/f armors from a mod into Roberts/HGEC models respectively.

I thought it would be relatively simple and that I could do it in Nifscope. It appears not. I found this on my travels though, you might find it useful.



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