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Slow quicksaves issue


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Whatever, jiffi...


SKSE has a folder inside Skyrim's data folder and that SKSE has one sub-folder named "plug-ins"... all the rest (.dll files and skks.exe and stuff) is in the main Skyrim folder next to the TESV.exe and SkyrimLauncher.exe and whatnot... not a single "scripts" folder in sight...


The only "scripts" folder I have is inside Skyrim's data folder, not inside the SKSE folder, as the latter is what I concluded you meant when reading your 'eurèka' reply... the more I read that reply, the less sense it makes, too...


Am off... got some gaming to do...

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This did not fix my issue though FYI. I did a couple things to fix my issue. I use TESV save game manager and i hadn't used it in a while. It has some issues with ini's and i removed all my .skse files and cleared out a great many saves from my folder. I also for good measure loaded up some other characters and they were saving with no issues. When i went back to the problem character everything was good with saving time.

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