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[WIP] Mator Smash - The Conflict Resolution Revolution


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Hello, and thanks for this amazing tool. Been working pretty well for my Skyrim SE playthrough.

I do get an error, when trying to run it for Fallout 4, though. It immediately posts this, as I try to build the patch:


"Building patch: Compatibility
Patch is using plugin: Compatibility.esp
Adding masters...
Done adding masters
Processing files
Processing DLCRobot.esm
Failed to patch Compatibility, Access violation at address 00721C82 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000014
All done!"
Edit: When I initially load the program, all plugins for Fallout 4 are listed as "Skip" in the setting column. If I right click, Smash Setting cannot be changed.


I also have this issue. Don't use this shitty program, it isn't even finished yet.


Conflict resolution my ass lol use wrye bash instead, the latest version at least does something




You should probably learn how to use the application before you talk s#*! about it.

It does much more than Wrye Bash, and works extremely well.

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I get this error when building a patch for Oblivion, what am I doing stupidly?

Building patch: Smashed Patch

Patch is using plugin: Smashed Patch.esp
Adding masters...
Done adding masters

Processing files
Processing Cobl Main.esm
Failed to patch Smashed Patch, Access violation at address 00721C82 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000014

All done!

Edited by Oooiii
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I get this error when building a patch for Oblivion, what am I doing stupidly?
Building patch: Smashed Patch

Patch is using plugin: Smashed Patch.esp
Adding masters...
Done adding masters

Processing files
Processing Cobl Main.esm
Failed to patch Smashed Patch, Access violation at address 00721C82 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000014

All done!



I haven't done a lot fo testing with Oblivion, so I'm not sure. Access violations occur when the code attempts to read/write at an address in memory which is invalid, and can happen for a huge variety of reasons. A more verbose log could help me troubleshoot though, you can enable verbose logging options in the settings modal.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've tried to use Mator Smash, version downloaded from your git, on Windows 10 x64 home build 16299 (latest to my knowledge), Skyrim Legendary latest version on Steam, through ModManager 1.3.11, and I get an accession violation error :


Accession violation error at address 00406FC4 in module 'MatorSmash.exe". Read of address 00000000.


Even if I try to load just the base game, with no other mods, it stops at "Skyrim.esm" on the splash screen, with the error above.


Is there anything I can do ? Your program sounds fabulous, and would be tremendously useful to me as a Wrye Bash upgrade (if it worked).


Thank you for any help.



EDIT : Want to mention that I also downloaded your mergePlugins utility, and it seems to launch fine on my system.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I get this error when building a patch for Oblivion, what am I doing stupidly?
Building patch: Smashed Patch

Patch is using plugin: Smashed Patch.esp
Adding masters...
Done adding masters

Processing files
Processing Cobl Main.esm
Failed to patch Smashed Patch, Access violation at address 00721C82 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000014

All done!



I fixed this issue.


The Fallout New Vegas preset (So I assume the others) doesn't have any Smash settings for you to use.


So copy the ones from Skyrim and paste them into your respective Oblivion, New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 folders!


Now you can smash.


(On second thought this made my game crash instantly on starting a new character, as opposed to me being in an empty void before. I was hoping it would fix that...)

Edited by Warturtle1337
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