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av uncapper


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in installed the av uncapper http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34841 and the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35675 but were do i save them too? i dl them to my desktop and tried to open them but it wants me to search the web for a program how do i install them. my understanding is there gams settings so i open up the tes cs and click import then game settings but i cant find them were i saved them. what am i doing wrong? a nice step by sgtep would be great thx
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You need some flavor of archive tool. WinRar, 7zip, WinZip, or something similar. 7zip is free, and will deal with most any archive type. (archives are files with extensions such as .rar, .7z, .zip, etc.)


Once you have your archive tool installed, double clicking on the mods you have downloaded will actually open the archives, so you can see what's in 'em. There will be some flavor of documentation in there, ( file with extension .txt, .rtf, or .doc) double click on that, and read the instructions. (these are usually labeled "readme" or something similar.) That will tell you what files go where, and how to make whatever mod work. Some are dead easy, others, well, not so much so.


Also keep in mind, that AV_uncapper REQUIRES OBSE. So, you will need to grab that as well.

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Here's a cut and paste of my reply on another thread:

1) Read the mod description and see if it gives any specific install instructions. Also pay attention to what are required for the mod (Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) is required by many recent mods or some may require another mod installed first for texture or mesh resources).

2) Download the mod to a temporary folder you create with Windows Explorer or as an additional step in the Save As dialog. I have an OblivionDownloads directory and then subdirectories off that for each mod I download.

3) Using an unzipping utility (7-Zip available from this site if you click right here) extract the archive your downloaded into that same folder you created (7-Zip is nice because it defaults to that folder ... other utilities like Winzip require you to navigate to your directory).

4) Compare the folder structure of the unpacked archive vs. the install instructions, taking note of any optional folders it may need for options you wish to have. Some unpacked mod archives will have a Data folder with meshes and textures folders inside, others may just have the meshes and textures folders. Most mods will also have an esp file and possibly an esm file (usually named something like 'Whatever_the_mods_name_is.esp'). If the unpacked mod directory structure started with a Data folder then the esp and esm will be inside the Data folder. Some mods may come with just an esp file alone.

5) Open Windows Explorer and copy the required folders to your game. Use right mouse click on the unpacked archive folder and then select 'Copy' from the right click menu. If the unpacked archive starts at the Data folder right click that one (makes for a one step install). If it comes with no Data folder and separate meshes and textures folders you'll do those one at a time. After right click and copy, you navigate to the directory that Oblivion is installed in. If you right clicked and copied the Data folder you will right click and select 'Paste' to your Oblivion folder. If you right click and copy meshes or textures you will right click your game's Data folder and select paste. The rule is, when copying folders always paste into one level higher. If your unpacked archive started at the Data folder you're done copying (unless the mods install instructions tell you about additional steps required). If you copied meshes and textures separately you will need to right click the esp and copy, and then navigate to your Data folder and paste (and if the mod came with an esm file you will do this again with the esm). You will get a "Do you want to overwrite?" warning when pasting folders ... select "Yes to all". Once you have experience at this and more mods loaded you will learn to check out what files will be overwritten before you install a new mod. Files with the same name but in differently named folders are OK ... the same name and folder structure will overwrite and the older file will be lost. You'll learn to keep backups.

6) From the Oblivion game launcher select Data Files and click to put an X next to the mod esp in the list (and esm if it came with one). Play the game and make sure everything is working correctly. Again refer to the mod description to find your new armor/start your new quest/activate your new feature. Only add one mod at a time and thoroughly play test before adding another. This makes troubleshooting much easier.

Make sure you get Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) set up first and read the readme.

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