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Does Oblivion Encourage Transvestism


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I hope this topic is met with the same tongue in cheek, rogue manner it set out to create!


I think Oblivion is girly orientated, just look at the mass multitude of girly clothes and armor mods that you can download from Nexus, where do red blooded males like me, go to get something simular, it's not fair, I hate being upstaged!


David Hasselhoff!

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The reason there are so many mods that feature big breasts and half-naked clothing for women is precisely because the vast majority of modders are red-blooded males like you -- and that's why they create female characters who wear next to nothing and prance around Tamriel with bouncing H-cup tits. That's what lots of guys want to look at while playing the game.


There are a couple of modders who create clothing and armor for Manly Man characters. Take a look at anything from AlienSlof for starters, and there are others. Somewhere around here there's a list somebody compiled of mods featuring gear for male characters. If you're having trouble finding it, I'll see what I can track down, but do look around yourself first.

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What chaospearl said. Sex sells.


I used to play male characters, but then I started using mods and switched over to female characters. As for body replacers, I chose HGEC over Robert's female body since HGEC's got far more mod support and doesn't look near as mannish.


Telyn's link should help if you want mods for male characters.

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I can only agree 110% with everyone above, who wants to see yourself if your a guy, when you can watch Linda Carter or Raquel Welsh do the same job. Thanks for your input. Best Wishes Zapata935
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I remember reading once that the theory behind why the Tomb Raider titles were successful is you could look down and see your chest (you were required to be Laura after all). I like that my guy gets to hang with some pretty spectacular looking girls (heck he has to stand in line to use the bed to level in some of my houses). I'm not convinced it has to do with anything but being able to do it how you please, and I'm all for freedom.
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All my Imperials were men, but once I started playing with Redguards and custom races, I've used nothing but women.


Either way, they're nothing but collections of cool powers chosen solely for combat effectiveness. Cue lots of min-maxing and power combinations that were never meant to be.

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I think I am different from the average player. I am male, so I almost always play male characters. I have about 20 characters, but only two of them are female. One of them is a healer that wears a modest robe, and the other is a battlemage who wears armor that covers her whole body and protects her from weapon blows.


I always play in first person view unless I am having trouble with a narrow path or am stuck in an obstacle. So when I am playing Oblivion, I am not oogling my character, I am looking out from his or her eyes.

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I think I am different from the average player. I am male, so I almost always play male characters.

You're not alone ... we are an army of two now.


I always play in first person view unless I am having trouble with a narrow path or am stuck in an obstacle.

And this is I believe the defining characteristic. Old schoolers who sharpened their teeth on FPS titles will tend to play same sex characters, where newer generational, shall we say 'mixed media' devotees will lean towards 3rd person view, and have more flexibility in character sex choice vs. their own. I'm a console junkie, so I'd don't even come out of first person when I'm stuck, just tcl my troubles away.

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