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Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated


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Alright, so I recently got Oblivion on my PC after screwing it up on my Xbox (I killed too many questline characters and had tons of dead quests) and decided to look into a few mods. The first ones I got just changed the way I look (because, honestly, the default characters look horrible). So, I downloaded OBMM, and got those mods working perfectly on my first try. So then, I went to download more. They installed into OBMM correctly, and OBMM said that they were active, yet the mods never took effect in-game. I tried countless times to get anything to work, but ran out of luck.

I have Windows 7, and the other mods are still running fine. I'm worried that if I get rid of and reinstall the mods I already have, I may not be able to get those to work again, either.

If anyone's had this happen to them and they know what the problem is, I'd be very grateful.


Also, I turned UAC off and changed Oblivion's directory from "C:/Program Files(x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion" to "C:/Users/<Username>/Saved Games/Oblivion".


Thanks in advance.

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Did you uninstall, and reinstall the game? Or, did you just move it?? If you just moved it, very little is going to work. Best bet is to completely uninstall the game, (backing up your saves, if you like) and reinstalling it to someplace like C:\Games\Oblivion. Avoids the whole UAC thing altogether, as in Win7, just because you tell the O/S to turn it off, doesn't necessarily imply that it LISTENED to you. :D
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Sweet. I'll give that a try! But I'm still confused as to why the first 4 mods worked for me and nothing else after that worked.... Anyway, where can I find the saves? (I'm a newb when it comes to the PC version of Oblivion)
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Saves will be in My Games\Oblivion\Saves. They are .ess files.


Why they didn't work is probably a matter of timing for the root cause..... If you installed them after you moved oblivion, real possibility that OBMM installed them to where oblivion USED to be. If you did the install before the move, Win7 might have intercepted them, and stuck them in its 'compatibility files' folder, or, just didn't allow the install, because it is just like that, UAC or no..... :D


If neither of those appear to be the case, then would need to know which mods were giving you the trouble. Modding the game can be..... erm..... fun....... There is a lot of ways for it to NOT work, there are many ways for it to 'almost' work....... and there are even more ways for it to appear to have worked, but, really didn't...... Getting mods to actually WORK in game, can sometimes be as challenging as creating them in the first place. :D

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Ok, I reinstalled it directly to "C:/Games/Oblivion", deleted and reinstalled all of my mods, and I'm still getting the same problem.


Ren's Beauty Pack is working fine along with Custom Race Fix, but I'm trying to get a Nightshade Armor Mod and it's not working.

Before, I also tried Realistic Water and that didn't work. I'm going to try that one again right now.

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