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CTD - CRASH when entering a House MOD


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Im experienced in modding skyrim, but I just cant get whats the problem now, I just cant enter any house mod, the game always crashes, I algo have got rid out of all the mods I dont use, and removed some scrypted none important mods, but even starting a new game, I cannot enter a house mod, I have tried and disabled every suspicious mod without success. Please Help me you gods of modding :'(


PD: I use skse updated with memory patch and enb boost.
PC: core i7 6700k and gtx 980 ti

I apologice for my bad english, I asume you understand Im an english student.

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Seems like I have finally fixed it.
I just followed this guide to be sure I had the correct ENBOOST settings, also verified that my skse memory patch was working, but it wasn't the problem.
as well in the search of better stability, I removed all the mods I don't use, specially those with scripts, and merged some simple mods using THIS AWESOME TOOL. Merge Plugins by Mator

Seems like all my problems were related to those f***ing papyrus tweaks, I removed them all, these are my current settings:

fUpdateBudgetMS=800 ;<<<----- original 1.2 (this is the only I don't have as original, because some guy in the loverslab forum has recommended this value. LINK HERE (I BET HE KNOWS A LOT MORE THAN ME)
fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=1.2 ;<<<---original 1.2
fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 ;<<<---original 500.0
iMinMemoryPageSize=128 ;<<<<---original 128
iMaxMemoryPageSize=512 ;<<<<---original 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800 ;<<<-original 76800
As a final personal recommendation to everyone who read this post, always always respect the configurations of the following guides, no matter if you are desperate to achieve better performance, is better to reduce a little some graphical features instead of trying to change the way the skyrim engine works.
Speed and Stability Guide for ENB
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I continued searching for stability and I found this list of harmful mods, I removed them all and replaced with similar, newer and supported mods, now my game runs even better, also have checked the papyrus monitor tool from convenient horses and the script latency had improved a lot.


NOTE: I removed DUEL - Combat Realism, and replaced with COMBAT EVOLVED AND VIGOR - COMBAT AND INJURIES, instantly I noticed a big improvement in script latency, because they are light weight-script-free mods.

PD: The only mod i didn't remove was SKYTEST, because they say is not too dangerous an is a lot newer (in mid of 2014)

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