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Beth wants modding on consoles


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I'm still a stubborn bastard when it comes to gaming (PC IS #1! *waves giant foam finger*) but it is nice to see the gap bridged a bit as long as it doesn't affect the modding community in a negative way.

It might since money will be a motivator. Last thing I want is M$ to charge for Mods....but this can be good but again PC get the advantage of newer versions 1st judging the way bethesda will make the best mods for DL on the Xbox.

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I feel like if it does happen, it might be the end to PC gaming as others game devs would push for consoles to have the same thing. M$ is full of **** tho. In no way will they ever agree. Maybe threating it to be PS3 exclusive?
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I feel like if it does happen, it might be the end to PC gaming as others game devs would push for consoles to have the same thing. M$ is full of **** tho. In no way will they ever agree. Maybe threating it to be PS3 exclusive?


End to PC gaming? Uh .... no. Steam is one of the most successful gaming revenues out there. WoW is a behemoth and the Sims franchise is what has made EA what it is today.


BTW .... unless these modders will be making their creations on a console, they'll need a PC to A: Create said mods and B: Test them out on the PC version of the game. Not to mention if modding became the "next big thing" on consoles there would be a lot more console Ports to PC then ever before.


P.S. The only downside is that MS will most likely charge people for user created content.

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Giving the console versions of Skyrim the ability to be modded sounds like a good idea at first. However, one bad thing I can see in this is the problems the gaming community will face when concerned parents learn that the M rated game they bought for their kid now has full frontal nudity and sex from the result of modders. As if gaming companies aren't already facing enough issues from parents against video games... I'm not saying that kids don't already play modded pc versions of Oblivion and Fallout 3/New Vegas. I'm sure there's plenty of kids with wealthy parents who buy them powerful gaming pcs. The thing about pc is that they're usually more expensive then console systems, and they're not as user friendly. What I mean by saying not user friendly is that pc games are usually not plug and play like their console counterparts. Because of these reasons, a large part of the under-aged gaming community do not have access to gaming with pc. I would hate to see more frivolous lawsuits from parents who should have known better than to buy their kids M rated games in the first place.
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Giving the console versions of Skyrim the ability to be modded sounds like a good idea at first. However, one bad thing I can see in this is the problems the gaming community will face when concerned parents learn that the M rated game they bought for their kid now has full frontal nudity and sex from the result of modders. As if gaming companies aren't already facing enough issues from parents against video games... I'm not saying that kids don't already play modded pc versions of Oblivion and Fallout 3/New Vegas. I'm sure there's plenty of kids with wealthy parents who buy them powerful gaming pcs. The thing about pc is that they're usually more expensive then console systems, and they're not as user friendly. What I mean by saying not user friendly is that pc games are usually not plug and play like their console counterparts. Because of these reasons, a large part of the under-aged gaming community do not have access to gaming with pc. I would hate to see more frivolous lawsuits from parents who should have known better than to buy their kids M rated games in the first place.


Nah, this is nothing to be worried about. You can't download those sorts of mods unless you are registered to be a certain age. If the kid lies about their age then the fault rests with the parents for not supervising their kid. It would be a simple matter in court. (That is, assuming that consoles have some controled method for distributing mods, unlike PCs)

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I do like the consoles, but with the advent of modding and finding this site, I have wholly shifted to PC. I will keep my 360 for those games I already own, but if they do start to mod for the consoles on a regular basis... IDK, I believe I will still stick to the PC. I use to be a PC gamer back in the days before PS2 (oops, did I date myself there) with the DnD game franchise, but the good games were coming to console, and the PC hardware was growing too fast and I just didn't have the money to keep up. The only benifit I know of from first hand experience is the console hardware doesn't need hardware updates as frequently.

Sure, I would love to see mod-ability on the consoles, but the string here has it right, M$ will make money off the PC or console mod capability so there is no reason to open the consoles up. If Sony does open their consoles to mods, that's about the only time I think we will see M$ do the same, not before. And I also tend to agree, parents will really balk if the adult mods start showing up on their kid's games... I would!

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This does seem like a good idea but then part of me has to disagree. Aside from having to try to get through microsft, which mods will be available for consoles? I don't see consoles having a good capability for mods. Take Deadly Reflex, MMM(or other similar mods), or CoH for example. These were all mods that needed OBSE. How could consoles use something like OBSE or even a mod manager like Wrye Bash, OBMM or BOSS? On top of that, CoH and DR make use of keys that are not in use to perform their added actions (shieldbashing/impale(DR), howl/feed CoH). Now I know shield bashing is included in Skyrim but say Oblivion allowed console gamers to use mods. All of the buttons on console controllers are used up by the default actions so how could they use these features? And wouldn't they also only be able to release mods on the market that are stable and compatible with each other? I'm guessing crashes and mod conflicts would not look pretty on console. In the long run it just doesn't seem too smart. Edited by mukumukuu
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Beth says the mods would already work for console because the creation engine was used for both versions, all that's missing is a delivery platform. MS wants money right? Well, here is my proposed solution:


Make a simple program that functions as a mod manager and browser, charge 1600 MSP for it, then MS enters a deal with, a mod website. The deal would essentially go like this: All users who have bought the $20 (1600MSP) software on their console can access the mod database for said site through heir console, installing mods to their hearts desire. The database available to these users would automatically filter adult oriented mods (body replacer, for example) out and not have them available for DL. Furthermore, the mod browser and manager could allow basic functionality to post comments on said mods and report bugs, requiring the person to have an account on the site (previously existing or otherwise.)

Also, said database site would be able to make some money to cover upgrading their sites and the servers for the increased load. It could be a win situation all around.

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Well, you get what that means though? I was concerned that perhaps Bethsoft woulds go the usual lazy way and stop giving out SDKs, but if they infact want them for console...


It bodes very well for Skyrim's fuiture IMO, if they want mods for console, chances are they'll be in a giving mood when it comes to modding in general. For me ES = MODs!


I myself would like to see modding on console, my only concern is that perhaps the system would need a specialised imput device. Working with a control stick and buttons in a traditional SDK could be quite dificult and frustrating. This however, could be a perfect situation to introduce PS Move and Kinect to the world as a niche tool, rather than fluff. I think that would be brilliant-being able to use motion controls to essentialy "sculpt" the meshes and hand-draw the textures with your own hands. I'd love that, absolutely love it. for me that's gaming utopia.

Edited by Vindekarr
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