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Safe Load MOD


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I Know, I know, there is a mod with that name, but my idea is simple and works differently.


I have my game heavy modded, and many of you know that when you have a heavy modded game you can CTD almost always in the first savegame load, I mean, the firs save game you load when starting to play; and we know that the only way to continue playing is by first loading a "small cell" in a interior, like brezze home, or like me, I load a save in a black-empty room from this mod WORKSTUDIOS, AND THEN, AFTER LOADING the "small cell" interior you can load your super heavy-scrypted-messed save.

So, why not automatize this procedure??? Well, for me is a routine, and I do it without thinking too much, but could be awesome if someone do this, I EVEN DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE IM NOT A MODDER - nor programmer.

Thank you for reading folks. :smile:

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Have you tried the SSME Skyrim Startup Memory Editor mod? I have been running Skyrim with around 200 mods, and sometimes experienced CTDs. The SSME mods makes CTDs much less frequent, in general, because it tweaks the amount of RAM available to the game . I have read that many CTDs are caused by the game running out of memory. Regardless of how much RAM your rig has, the game only uses a certain amount. Going over the limit can cause CTDs. Other things can cause CTDs, as well, but this SSME mod helps to increase the amount of RAM that is available to the game, reducing that kind of CTD. It seems to work pretty well for me - CTDs are now rare.

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Well, I have tried it but maybe in an inappropriate situation, my game was messed because of bad mod practices, but now my game is very stable, heavy modded, I'm playing with SKSE memory patch (I have tested it and its working correctly), and also with ENBOOST; but I still have this problem, only in the first load after launching the game.
Anyway thank you for answering and for your time, really.

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