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Prior Maborel and Brother Piner


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I returned to Weynon Priory after it was attacked by the Mythic dawn. The corpses of Prior Maborel and Brother Piner are both just lying there. I was wondering if I would cause any glitches or other adverse effects by using the console to disable their bodies and give the illusion they were taken by the blades to some secret crypt. Since Piner died I also wanted to disable the Dunmer Horse Keeper at the priory and most of the items and furniture in the house to give the illusion that it was abandoned after the priests left. Again any adverse effects?
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Prior Maborel is one of those bodies that will persist forever after he's died. I'm not sure about how long Brother Piner's body will stay around, as he survived in my game. Looking through the UESP Wiki on each I don't see any reason that disabling them from the console would have any ill effects. Eronor doesn't play any part in the story after his part in the Weynon Priory quest of the main quest. He just goes about his regular AI packages. He wouldn't be missed if you disabled him as well.
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Short answer - No. I sincerely doubt it would have an adverse effect on anything, but to be 100% safe I would make a new save just before you do so. And if it does you could enable them again through the console. (using their ID, as you can't target them.)



Edited by Daledge
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