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Playstation Network getting hacked??


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It's a diferent sort of racer Thor, and besides, if GT5 is anything like GT4, it's got no customisation or proper sports cars(I'll never buy another GT game, the reason being their obsession with rubbish cars nobody wants, to the expense of no really good ones. I can only stand so much Japanese $2 garbagemobile racing before I throw the controller at someone) secondly, try amping up the AI, those bastard can be pretty violent on the high settings.


Next, the handling gets harder as the cars get faster-try my bizaar yet hilarious NyanSupra someday, it'll teach you the true meaning of oversteer. Admitedly, it's built for one thing only, setting top speed records, and that costs it, but it's still a crazy b*&%* to drive. It's realistic that they be so grippy, Formula One race cars, le Mans cars, and GT 1/2/3 and even touring cars have incredible grip compared to road cars, I drove a Radical SR-3 once, for reals at a track day, and the one in the game feels just like it-when you've got low weight, slicks, and downforce, you dont need TCS because you'll handle like you've got it anyway.


Generaly speaking, dont talk about easy until you've driven something above the 1000 horsepower mark, the class A need a fair bit of tuning before they're competitive, with the exception of the Koenigsegg, Gumpert, and Huarya. Anyway, even if it is easier than GT5, atleast it's got cars you'd want to drive. I vividly remember booting up GT4 and seeing 21 options for used Daihatsus, yet not a single Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Pagani, or infact anything road-going but fast. It's bulldust and I'd rather play an easy game than a challenging one where I'm restricted to $2 Japanese used Daihatsus. Daihatsu suck.


Already have, try racing a X2010 in gt5, and come back to me whats hard and not lol. Its crazy insane, i wish it was real. They did make a model of it.




If you can race it at 500kmhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


Remember gt5 has 1100 cars


And every psn article to date.



Edited by Thor.
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Im not going to try and argue taste Thor, but frankly I walked away from the GT franchise in disgust after GT4. Why? the cars. 800 cars, but not a single one really worth driving. Did you know that more than half of the 800 were used? and that about of the total were sub-compact? If I wanted to spend the day puttering around in a used and abused Daihatsu Sirion, I'd do that, but I dont, I want to drive the fastest and most dangerous cars available and GT doesnt deliver. It's too conservative, too grounded in the sub-200 KP/H ballpark, and far, far too bellitling of the player.


The tutorials take days, and leave no option for you to say "sorry Sony, but I can actualy play racing games and have, you dont need to treat me like a retard" That's why I like Shift more, Shift just tells you "aight, so you want to be a racer huh? it's hard! scared? you should be! oh, and I borrowed you this quater million dollar car and put your name down for a race, go win it!" I dont want to drive a three cylender used Polo, I want to drive a Pagani Huarya LMGT1. I dont want to struggle to reach 200 km/h, I want to yell "up your wind resistance!" and soar past 400! Shift lets me do both goals, Forza, lets me do both goals, GT forced me to drive a used Polo, so thus I no longer play GT.


GT may have changed since I walked out, and I'd be glad if it did, but Im just explaining, I havent had fun with this, all I've had is "you, stupid man, drive this used polo, oh and you cant modify it, or even paint it, and then spend the next week proving to us you understand how to brake" Shift lets me have a stable of multi-million dollar, post 1000 horsepower behemoths, so why would I trade those for a 44 horsepower, 1100 Polo, eh?

Edited by Vindekarr
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I've never been a fan of the GT games, not only because driving a Yaris around a circuit is as much fun as watching paint dry but also because the cars feel all wrong. The cars don't have enough weight and feel like they're floating. Also the cornering is all wrong, in reality if you go into a corner too fast chances are you won't spin out as happens most of the time in the GT games, you either keep going straight or roll it.
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GT4 wasn't so bad, and from what I've seen of 5, quite a bit more effort was done to get the physics right. Yes, they all start you off driving crappy cars at first, but that's so that there's some actual progression to the game and is what people like about it. Most every other driving game just plops you behind the wheel of a fast car, assumes you can drive, and comparatively offers less realism for both driving and physics.


The crappy cars also make the game fun since you can tune them out and race them against sports cars. It's gimmicky, but that is what keeps it from being just another boring racing game that you play for a week or two then forget about after you've been through every course and driven everything. Car nuts love the game because they can tweak and adjust their cars, change how they look and perform, and race them against their friends.

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I think if you're looking for realism you're better of with rFactor, race 07, iRacing or something like that. They all look awful but play really well, especially if you have a decent wheel.


Edit: here we go again.... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-05-13-deus-ex-eidos-websites-hacked-report now Eidos get hacked.

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I actually driven a 1967 Camaro before. While comparing the real 67 Camaro vs gt5 its pretty close.


And it was sweet, one of my dream cars now.


Yea i drive, thats why i think gt5 is the closest to real then most other racing sims.


Oh no, that sucks,


I think if you're looking for realism you're better of with rFactor, race 07, iRacing or something like that. They all look awful but play really well, especially if you have a decent wheel.


Edit: here we go again.... http://www.eurogamer...s-hacked-report now Eidos get hacked.

Edited by Thor.
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Aye but my complaint is that in GT games, the only progression is from a used yaris to a new yaris, and I dont care how tuned it is, it's a flippin' yaris, and in Shift-2 I race a $1,900,000 LM-GT1 tuned Bugatti Veryon with more than 1400 horsepower. I also object to how limited the aesthetic customisation was-back in GT4 you could only stick a wing on it, which did nothing, or diferent wheels, which did nothing. No paint, no aero, just. wings. And yarises, endless little Japanese subcompacts.
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have fun trying to Corner that Veyron, the steering sucks. Its meant for drags and speed runs, not tight corners.
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That's just the thing: handling's rectifiable in any car, mine is, admitedly not the most agile and graceful of cars, but it's got superb traction, and while turn-in isnt stellar, it's still very capable in the corners, why? because of a few simply tweaks-I hammered the Camber to a significant negative, since it was suffuring tyre-twist, the camber giving it gumball griop out of cornewrs, meaning I can hit the throttle straight after the apex, and a steering rack adjustment, aswell as increasing the amount the wheels can turn, means it's about as agile as your average porsche, lastly, it's light for a Veyron, half a ton lighter to be precise.


THis is where Shift's tuning comes in, nothing that's broken is irrepairable, even ungainly, heavy brutes can become dexterous, and graceful. I have an S-2000 and for a long while I had trouble with top speed, it handled fine, but the gearing was too short for the new V-6 twinturbo I fitted, but a simple gearing adjustment improved it's top speed by a shocking 99 kilometres per hour, going from 211, to 310 km/h top speed, with no upgrades, only a tweak. The best thing is that you can actualy tweak the cars in real time on the test track, I was able to make the Veyron uncharacteristicaly agile by simply tweaking little bit by little bit as I did laps, until it just felt right. Still, the best cars in Shift, and the ones you really should gun for, are the CCX, Huarya, Veyron, Gumpert, and most of all, GT-R (R35 V-SPEC) In Works form, nothing out-turns the FormulaOne like handling of the Huarya, nothing out accelerates the mighty Veyron, and the Gumpert and GTR are just an exploit on tight tracks.

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