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Playstation Network getting hacked??


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Aye, Sony's handling of this is terrible, but they didnt hack the system, hackers did.


Sony's messed up I agree, but we needn't kick a man when he's down-what I'm more interested in, for my part, is what's going to ahppen next, what are the long term consequences going to be for the PS3, especialy with Nintendo confident enough of their ability to deliver a new console next year that they have begun an agre ssive marketing campaign, and a resurgant Xbox 360.

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Sony to hold Presscon Tomorrow at 9Am Japanese time.




More disturbing news for you people who have psn linked master cards.




And more



Edited by Thor.
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Sorry, couldn't help it...







So yeah, how about those 30 free days of PSN+ we're all getting? You know, so we can all download a bunch of free games then keep paying Sony to keep them?

Edited by DesuChan
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Looks like this thread is a big opportunity for many console-haters, PS3 defenders and Xbox fans alike.


Remember, Windows was (and is) hacked millions of times for credit card numbers, passwords, you name it, someone has it. Are we blaming Microsoft now, or what?


It is Sony's fault granted, but in reality, could Xbox Live be hacked with no-one even knowing? After all, it is based off a Windows architect, and hence (as many of us can recall), well, you think about the rest.

Edited by dazzerfong
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I think it's because a lot of people felt safe with Sony, and they inadvertently let us down.


Thankfully, everyone's been pretty civil in this topic. It's not as bad as Kotaku... 360 fanboys are going rampant like whoa.

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Well, rabid fanboys are a universal disgrace to whatever they are fans of. I read a really insightful quote on it recently: "A patriot raises their nation's banner higher by constantly questioning it's very foundation, and is oft seen as disloyal, subversive. A fool drags their nation's banner through the mud while attempting to wear it as a cape."


Moderation's what we need. I like the '360 and am quite adept at using it-that I use a wireless, engraved Xbox360 remote on my PC testifies to how much I like it, but the people who are such sycophantic morons as to actualy attack the fans of other consoles do nothing but drag their own banners through mud. Just remember: who's the better citizen, the woman who gets elected and spends her entire political career modernising the consitution, uprating the military, enhancing public services, and becomes hated by every redneck in the country for being "un-<place name here>" Or the "patriotic" buffoon who get's elected and spends their entire career waging wars on anyone who says something abd about their nation?

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